A disease more terrifying than "depression"


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A 20-year-old man who was suffering from manic depression stabbed a pbadenger aboard a 45-pbadenger high-speed bus that ran along the Namhae Expressway to Hadong-gun on the 1st. The woman, who was treated for bipolar disorder five years ago, has not taken any medicine since the beginning of the year. The actor Jang Geun Suk is scheduled to serve as a social worker on the 16th after being diagnosed with bipolar mania as a fourth-grade military service.

Manic depression is a mood disorder characterized by the alternation of "manic" and "depressive" states, also called bipolar disorder. We often know that the mood oscillates up and down.

When you have bipolar disorder, the mood changes dramatically, so it is likely to cause sudden unexpected movements, a mood disorder more serious than the depression, but difficult to prevent.

Seventy percent of patients with bipolar disorder are susceptible to depression because they suffer from depression first. The patient is not very aware of it and is diagnosed with depression.

Depression and bipolar disorder, however, differ in treatment methods and require accurate diagnosis. It can be diagnosed simply by self test. If you answer at least 7 first-level questions and answer "Yes" to the second-level questions, you may have bipolar disorder.

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If people around you say, "It seems like it's more frenetic than usual" and "It seems like the personality has changed recently," it's better to see a mental health specialist.

Kim Sang Yup, director of the department of mental medicine at Onn General Hospital, said, "If you have bipolar disorder, you may need to manifest interest and interest in it. help from your family and friends. It is also good to be hospitalized to reduce the problem, "he advised.The combination of regular meals, sleep and exercise, during treatment, can help control symptoms. [19659002] Kim stated, "Manic depression needs to be treated for a long time and patients should not stop taking medications on their own terms." It is advisable to change treatment after consultation with the attending physician.

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