Acne, scarring, left unwittingly more trouble? | News / Column | Health stories


Acne that goes up and down around the face is a problem for teens and teens who have already grown up. This is especially true in times when the appearance is accentuated as is the case today. Moreover, if scars persist, this can not be a problem. Learn about the cause of acne and how to treat acne, Dr. Nam Sang-ho (CU cleaning branch of Ilsan Dermatology) who is a consultant for Haidak.

  Dermatology Cleaning Ilsan Direction Nam Sang Ho Director

What is the main cause of acne?

To explain the cause of acne briefly, when the pores are clogged when the sebaceous glands are clogged, acne cotton occurs first and then the acne bacteria acts as a reaction inflammatory and develops into an inflammatory acne of red color.

There are many reasons to clog pores. During adolescence, the epithelial cells around the hair follicles become immature, resulting in abnormal keratinization and clogging of the pores. In adulthood, cosmetics, fine dust, friction and mechanical stimuli play a major role in blocking pores.

It seems that the treatment methods will be different for each type of acne.

During puberty, acne usually starts from the forehead and tends to spread to the cheeks over time, often starting to develop from acne to inflammatory acne .

The characteristics of adult acne tend to be distributed in the jaw or neck, and inflammatory acne is often the dominant cause from the beginning, so the possibility of scarring is higher than that of the pubertal acne. The treatment methods are not so different, but in the case of adult acne, the use of antibiotics, a treatment to relieve inflammation and phototherapy for the & ac,,,,,,,,, acne are priorities.

  Women in the mirror

If you do not cure acne, you can have a lot of scar.

I see scars of brown acne or red acne on a large scale, but here I will only mention the case of permanent scars. It is often misunderstood that acne is caused by scars, but acne, which is likely to leave a scar, has already been determined before weaving, and it can be easily seen even from its appearance . The slightly raised lesions of dark red color are prone to acne and the blood vessels of the skin are broken, so that blood and congestion build up and it is easy to leave scars in the skin due to necrosis of the skin tissue. On the other hand, the prominent scar mainly affects the chin or throat, which is also very inflammatory and can occur when the dermis is damaged.

Prevention is more important because already developed scars are difficult to heal even after treatment. Use acne antibiotics at an early stage and minimize inflammation by injecting an intramedullary injection, an injection called inflammation, and quickly squeeze excess blood and debris to reduce the inflammation. scars.

What are the treatments to prevent acne, or treatment to relieve acne now?

Representative PDT therapy, 1450nm diode laser, high frequency insulator treatment, acne phototherapy is available. PDT therapy, which involves applying a photosensitizer to the treated area and then destroying the sebaceous glands by irradiating a strong light, kills the bacteria from acne, opens closed pores, accelerates acne and reduces the Sebaceous secretion for 6 to 12 months Acne can have a weak effect.

The 1450 nm diode laser can warm the upper part of the dermis to attenuate the activity of the sebaceous gland and attenuate the abnormal keratinization of the hair follicle, thereby suppressing the progression of acne. High frequency insulation treatment is a process in which an insulator is pierced in a pore, then a high frequency is applied to permanently destroy the sebaceous gland, the therapeutic effects may vary depending on the skill of the patient. ;operator.

Phototherapy of acne stimulates porphyrin (porphyrin, a part of hemoglobin with the exception of metal) produced by P. acnes to kill the bacterium of acne, relieve the inflammatory reaction and reduce the secretion of sebum.

  Facial Acne

How to treat already scarred areas because of the acne that occurred a long time ago?

Scarring scars usually require people to lift their flesh. Peeling such as chemical peels or laser peels, and fractional laser treatment are often used, and fill points (aka crossover) and dermatoscopy can be performed as needed.

A fractional laser is a treatment that improves scars by promoting skin regeneration by making hundreds to thousands of microscopic holes per unit area. A subcision is a principle that stabs the needle after local anesthesia and attaches to the bottom of the scar to cut the collagen fibers pulling the skin down.

Is there a correlation between food intake and acne? Is there a correlation between food intake and acne?

In the past, there was a strong opinion that there is not a great correlation between regular food and acne, but nowadays there are reports that the food is involved in the beginning or worsening of acne. Studies have shown that the higher the number of sugars (dietary index × amount of carbohydrate / amount of food) in foods, the worse the acne. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful when eating foods that have a high index, such as white rice or wheat flour, or if you eat foods that do not have a very high index . Diet rich in fats, dairy products such as cheese, foods cooked with vegetable oil is not good. Included here are commonly used instant foods or fried foods as they are cooked with vegetable oil.

  Women Grooming

What are the life habits that help prevent or relieve acne in everyday life?

Acne can worsen if lack of sleep or rest and early sleep can help, as it increases the secretion of sebum at night. Two or three times a day is appropriate for cleansing, but it is often recommended that you have a lot of sebum. Do not use cosmetics with too much oil, and skins containing alcohol can irritate the skin, so it is best to refrain from using them. If you suffer from acne, reduce as much as possible the frequency of makeup and erase it as quickly as possible, then erase it carefully with a double cleanse.

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