After shingles, neuropathy, "weak immunity of middle age" Attention!


Cause of Shingles and Ganglion

Shingles is a disease caused by skin blisters and symptoms of the nervous system caused by the varicella zoster virus that remains in the body of a person with chickenpox in childhood.

In other words, the virus that caused chickenpox in childhood lurks in the ganglion, the body's resistance to nerve fibers as well as the inflammation of the symptoms will appear. It is not easy to diagnose early because symptoms such as cold muscle aches and muscle aches appear before the blisters develop, and it is necessary to understand it correctly as this can aggravate the disease.

Particularly cautious after 40-50 when immunity declines

In young patients, the virus can cause cold-like symptoms and pbad slightly, but in the elderly and middle-aged , severe neuralgia can be left Post herpetic neuralgia. The blister caused by shingles can be recovered by treatment for two to three weeks, but special attention is needed so that nerve pain can remain chronic.

Post-herpetic neuralgia is characterized by pain However, if the disease deteriorates, severe pain and paralysis may be accompanied. Post-herpetic neuralgia is known to cause problems in the system of transmission of pain of the nervous system due to inflammation of the nervous system caused by varicella-zoster virus. If appropriate treatment is not given, special attention should be given to symptoms of the disturbed nervous system, even if symptoms of shingles are improved, because neuralgia can remain for a few weeks to a few weeks.

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