Are trade negotiations between the US and the EU even positive? … Prime Minister to say "no" to Trump –


Entry 2018.07.04 16:46

Dutch Prime Minister Marc Luther is about to say "no" to President Donald Trump's appearance on March 3 (local time). It is clear that the results of trade negotiations with the European Union will not be easy, but they refute President Trump's remarks, suggesting that the conflict between the United States and its European allies is becoming more and more intense.

This unusual scene at the normal summit occurred at a White House press conference of President Trump and Prime Minister Rutha. The subject of the five minute talk was a trade dispute between the United States and the European Union.

President Trump led the conference and said, "We are on the cusp of a very good trade deal. He said: "If he can negotiate with Europe, it will be positive, but otherwise it will be positive". "

But Prime Minister Rutha was faster, Prime Minister Luthor laughed at the president's words, raised his eyebrows and said," No. "If the negotiations fail, it will not be positive," he said. "We have to solve this problem". Trump said, "We will do something (not to be) .Is not it?" He smiled and asked, but Prime Minister Luther was adamant.

Dutch Prime Minister Marc Luther (left) and US President Donald Trump hold a joint press conference on July 3, 2018 at the White House. / Washington Post (WP) Capturing Images

Prime Minister Rutha, who has been running the Dutch prime minister since 2010, is well known for his familiar and friendly image. Last month, his mistake was mopped up, without letting the cleaner overflow, and he became known around the world through social media. "The prime minister is different from most prime ministers," he said, "he spoke less than President Trump during the interview, but he clearly made his voice heard when he interrupted."

He warned Feb. 22 that he could impose a 20% duty on cars imported from the EU, complaining about EU tariff barriers. He said in a May statement that the US Department of Commerce had asked the US Department of Commerce to check whether imports of automobiles, trucks and related parts posed a threat to safety. national. Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act is a regulation that restricts imports by imposing high duties on imported goods that threaten national security. The EU warned that if the United States implemented these measures, they would pay tariffs on US imports worth US $ 290 billion.

The Netherlands is the sixth largest economy in the EU and the fifth largest exporter in the world, according to the market badyst "Statutas". If the United States continues to insist on protectionism, they will have a huge blow. "It's very disappointing," said Luther, when President Trump gave a 25% tariff on steel and aluminum imports. "We must clarify that the EU will prepare a countermeasure."

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