As a result, Abuse of the North Korean Workers' Group in North Korea –


Entry 2018.07.30 03:00

Human Rights Commission to Check if North Korean Defectors …

In April 2016, the Korean National Human Rights Commission (NHRCK) proceeded to a self – 12 members of the North Korean leader, Mr. Hermo, and employees who escaped from the North Korean-Chinese restaurant in Ningbo. It is the intention to confirm if he escaped by his doctor. Both Park Geun-hye and Moon Jae-in said that they "flee according to their free will".

The NHRCK said on June 29, "The second committee of the invasion and rescue commission was held on the 26th, and it was decided to investigate the case of the defection" said. The NHRCK said in February that North Korean employees were being deceived by the National Intelligence Service (NIS), and that the "We investigated the complaint of an advocacy meeting for democratization." [19659004] The NHRCK intends to invest six investigators for this purpose.

The NHRCK intends to invest six investigators for this purpose. I have heard from some employees that in relation to Minsyung's complaints, and plan to investigate all employees in the future.

The second support committee in the event of #################################################################### The offense, which took the decision to investigate the case, was composed of a member of the Standing Committee, Kim Ki-jung, and Han Soo-woong, members of the committee of the Ministry of the Interior. Unification.And.All three said that they were in favor of the investigation.

In response, the commissioner of the NHRCK said: "The The direct cause of the decision is the remarks of the UN Special Rapporteur. "Thomas O. Hequintana, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in North Korea, said on October 10: "We came to Korea without knowing where some of our employees are going, we need a thorough and independent investigation. 19659004] The NHRCK will investigate for three months until October and decide to extend it. However, the NHRCK's investigation is not a forensic investigation. If employees do not respond to the survey, it is difficult to obtain a statement by force. There is no right to investigate or submit material to a national institution.

It is also pointed out that the NHRCK survey can produce unexpected results. The Ministry of Unification has always said: "After the launch of the government, as well as the government of Moon Geun-hye, workers were fleeing through free will". On the other hand, North Korea argued that the incident was a "forced abduction by a Korean intelligence agency". When the NHRCK, the government agency, announces a conclusion that reverses the announcement of the Ministry of Unification, the Korean government's trust will fall.

If the NHRC confirmed that "some employees left their own free will," the North Korean labor newspaper demanded the repatriation of female workers on the 21st. It may be missed. They are currently treated as forced abductee families in North Korea. "If people who have already come to Korea are dissatisfied with North Korea or are wondering if they want to go back to North Korea, there may be people at risk," said Professor Masuk Wook. . "He said.A human rights official said:" It is not yet decided whether the results of the investigation will be disclosed publicly as it is a sensitive issue. "

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