"Aspirin helps prevent, treat ovarian cancer"> International> News


"Aspirin Helps to Prevent and Cure Ovarian Cancer"

Entry 2018.07.23 (10:43)

Revision 2018.07.23 (10:53) ]

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Aspirin has been shown to help prevent ovarian cancer and improve survival.

Dr. Shelly Trozer, MD, of the Moffitt Cancer Center in the United States, said that low-dose aspirin (81mg)

This study was conducted on 750,000 people of various nationalities and badyzed 13 research papers in a comprehensive badysis.

Melissa Merritt's team at the Cancer Center of the University of Hawaii also reported that aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) demonstrated an improvement in 30% of ovarian cancer survival.

Nurses' Health Study (NHS), which was conducted on approximately 1,000 women who had received the drug.

However, both researchers pointed out that further research is needed to confirm that there is no causal link between the anti-inflammatory drug and the cancer risk of the cancer. ovary because results are based on observational studies

Dr. Tuolzer's findings were published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, and Dr. Merritt's research was published in the latest issue of Lancet Oncology, a British cancer journal.

[사진 출처 : 연합뉴스]

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