"Attack the Russian market" … The city of Incheon and the local hospital to attract medical tourists


  Seminar of information on medical tourism in Novosibirsk, Russia
Seminar of information on medical tourism in Novosibirsk, Russia
[아시아경제 박혜숙 기자] The city of Incheon actively helped to attract the medical tourism to the Russian market where foreign patients increase each year

The Incheon Tourism Organization visited four special hospitals in the region and visited Russia from 2 to 8. ▲ Sessions of Information on medical tourism and free medical consultations were organized ▲ Medical consultation centers were opened ▲ Health services and general consulates

The city held a briefing on the visit medical and free medical consultation [Nov19659004] at the Novosibirsk Marriott Hotel on May 5th and 7th.

The city made a presentation on ] For Local Medical Agencies In Incheon differentiated medical services such as Introduced POM and optical services badociated with an aging product and attractions related products.

The POM service can benefit from a 90-day follow-up when foreign patients are treated at Incheon's registered foreign medical facilities. The city will provide air transportation, accommodation and living expenses (meals, transportation, aids, etc.) during the treatment period so that foreign patients can again visit medical institutions and receive medical treatment.

Participants of about 120 Russian citizens who had been reserved by PR Free treatment for artificial joints, retinal diseases, diseases of the spine and cerebrovascular.

The city of Incheon visited four general consular hospitals in Russia and consulted medical exchanges between the two cities. The two cities decided to share information on medical staff and health policy and to establish a network of cooperation between them.

In addition, the city of Incheon opened a consultation center for medical tourism in the city of Irkutsk. Medical tourists have established a base for marketing. Incheon Metropolitan City plans to create three major strategic markets this year, including Russia and Central Asia, China and Southeast Asia, to advise and attract tourists to strengthen local networks and find trainees.

During the second half of this year, a medical tourism consultation center will be opened in Almaty, Kazakhstan, to accelerate the attraction of patients in the CIS region (Union independent States).

The total number of foreign patients who visited Incheon last year was 12,452, an increase of 12.2% over 2016, the only double-digit growth rate in the country.

Russia ranks second in Incheon East a country with a large number of foreign patients.

Kim Hye-kyung, the head of the Department of Health Policy, said: "This year, the number of patients in Russia has increased recently, with the goal of double-digit growth "We are doing marketing to worry about the Russian market," he said, adding that "we are waiting for Russia to be more resilient to attract patients as a result of this visit to Russia." [19659005] Park Hye-sook, reporter [email protected] .kr

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