Baekdudaegan Arboretum, "Coco de Mer", the world's largest seed


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The Arboretum of Baekdu Daegan is the first wild plant seed storage facility in the world with seed bolts.

Coco de Mer Seed is the largest of the seeds harvested last year and has requested a donation to the Consulate General of Seychelles (Tourism Agency), which is under the approval of the Republic of Seychelles. I received it in March.

  A Permanent Pavilion [백두대간수목원 제공=연합뉴스]

A Permanent Pavilion [백두대간수목원 제공=연합뉴스]

Relatively the smallest seed in the world is only 1g when it collects 1.1 million pieces of Uranium (Ebibititan), an orchid plant .

"I hope that the exposure of the seeds and inflorescences of Coco de Mer will be an opportunity to reflect on the mysteries and biodiversity of nature," said an official of the 39, Baekdudaegan Arboretum. I wanted to provide it. "

[email protected]

2018/07/09 13:56 Songwon

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