Blue House: Politics: News: Hankyoreh


Operation of the Korea-United States Dialogue Channel
Justice, Washington West Bolton Contact
Sharing information in the United States within two months
Diplomacy Kang Kyung-hwa meets Pompeii
[Déclaration de la fin de la guerre]
Moon, "Declaration of the Nation" in Singapore

President Moon Jae-in plays another mediating role in the negotiation phase of the North American denuclearization negotiations. It seems to be a way to increase bargaining power and speed while seeking the compromise between the North and the United States.
Mr. Moon sent Cheong Wa Dae's state security chief to Judge Washington on October 20th. It is only two months since May 4 that Chung has gone to Washington. Chung met with his counterpart, John Bolton, a national security advisor on May 21, and shared information on the progress of talks on North American denuclearization and future plans. "We had a very fruitful consultation on various measures to ensure that denuclearization negotiations between North Korea and the United States proceed as quickly and as successfully as possible," Chung told reporters. I have reaffirmed that it is a common goal of both countries. "

  Cheong Wa Dae, head of the National Security Agency, returns to Incheon International Airport after visiting the United States in the afternoon of 22. Agency Yonhap Press

The Cheong Wa Dae National Security Agency went to Incheon International Airport after its visit to the United States in the aftermath of midday of September 22nd. Cheong Wa Dae's authorities said, "Jung Chung-jin's visit to the United States is aimed at developing a denuclearization problem between North Korea and the United States and creating a breakthrough that breaks the blockade." He said: One day before Chung met Bolton, Deputy Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hua met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompei in New York City and agreed to maintain the talks. Sanctions up to denuclearization Cheong Wa Dae held a third meeting of the Panmunjom Declaration Implementation Committee on the 19th and discussed the implementation of follow-up measures in each area.
It is said that the intention of President Moon to establish a breakthrough in the negotiation of the denuclearization of North Korea and the United States is to review the situation with North Korea and the inter-Korean talks and strengthen communication with the United States. Cheong Wa Dae would feel frustrated in the absence of progress in North American negotiations. "If the president does not honor the promise made by the North-Korea summit on September 12, he will be severely criticized by the international community," he said.
Cheong Wa Dae is expected to maintain the Korea-US alliance of maintaining sanctions before denuclearization, but he will focus on building trust between the North and the United States through the declaration of the end of the war. The statement is a political statement that can be made before the conclusion of the peace treaty, and North Korea strongly demands it, and President Donald Trump has also shown a positive attitude. A Cheong Wa Dae official said, "Chung may have sent the United States some of the demands and complaints from the North." During his visit to Singapore on December 12, President Moon said, "Our goal is to declare the end of this year, which marks the 65th anniversary of the Armistice Agreement, as agreed at the statement by Panmunjom.
An official of Cheong Wa Dae said: "He could have talked about his declaration of the end of the war with his badistant," he said. However, the White House is concerned that the United States has little room for persuasion if it fully claims denuclearization as a prerequisite for the declaration of war.
Sung Yeol Cheol reporter [email protected]

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