Breck Leaf Persuasion Individual Spiral Mei Visited Prime Minister, Austria (Femur)


Austria, Czech Prime Minister Manna Breck Request for support for the negotiation of the sheet

As the difficulties in Bexit negotiations with the European Union continued, the British government met with leaders of EU member states and began to seek a breakthrough.
British Prime Minister Teresa Mei will attend a concert in Salzburg, Austria, on Sunday (February 27th), according to the BBC.

Mei, who participates in the invitation of Austrian Prime Minister Sebastian Kurzz, will meet Kurtz and Prime Minister Andrei Babis to discuss support for Britain's plans for the Brecks-Seat negotiations.

As the deadline for de facto negotiations approaches in October, British government ministers, including the Prime Minister, worked on individual persuasion while traveling in EU member states

. Paid a visit to German Foreign Minister Haikomas.

British Finance Minister Philip Hammond, Interior Minister Szydezavid and Finance Minister Greg Clark will also visit European countries this summer.

The UK government expects leaders of EU member states to speak at the EU summit in Salzburg in September, when negotiations with the EU are not progressing.

The plan is to put a lot of effort into individual persuasion.

The May government issued the "White Paper Briefs" on the UK Government's position regarding the negotiation of briefs, including a "facilitated customs arrangement" as an alternative to the withdrawal of the customs union from the US. EU.

The "facilitated tariff agreement" is a means for the British government to freely determine the tariff of goods arriving in its own country, but to use the technology developed to apply a separate tariff to goods intended for the EU.

It is the British government's plan that the EU also imposes tariffs on behalf of the United Kingdom.

However, Michel Barnier, the head of the EU's Brecksheet negotiations, said that he could not accept the plan.

Vernier said: "The EU will not delegate customs policies, regulations and VAT," he said, "we will not opt ​​for tariffs for non-member countries that are not part of the EU governance structure. "

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(London-Yonhap News)

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