Briggs statement of "support for the multilateral trading system" … "Protect"


"Protection of Trade and Unilateralism Affects Emerging Markets Directly"

The BRICs (BRIC, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), an important group of emerging economies, agreed to strengthen cooperation for the multilateral trade regime against the protectionist trade in the world. US Trump administration. .
Briggs' leaders signed a statement in Johannesburg, South Africa, to support an open and comprehensive multilateral trading system, the Associated Press reported.

"We know that the multilateral trading system is facing unprecedented challenges," he said. "We stress the importance of an open world economy".

"We call on all WTO members to abide by the principles of the WTO."

Chinese President Hu Jintao, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Brazilian President Shwe Thome and President Cyril Lama Fapa met on the second day of the 10th Briggs Summit.

"Briggs occupies a special place in the global economy," said Putin, adding that "it is the largest market in the world and that it is growing at 42% of GDP World ". .

"We must fight for multilateralism," he said, adding that "protectionism and the strengthening of unilateralism directly affect emerging markets".

He added: "Strengthening economic cooperation for common prosperity is the original goal and priority of Briggs."

The city also said that protectionism and unilateralism are increasing at the opening ceremony of the day before. It should be rejected because that is. "

The critics of the city against protectionism and unilateralism for two consecutive days are voiced by US President Donald Trump.

President Trump advocated strengthening protectionism for reasons of national interest.

The US government is in conflict with China earlier this month, imposing a 25% tariff on Chinese goods worth $ 34 billion.

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(Cairo: Yonhap News)

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