"Bring 9,000 tons of coal to North Korea" … The government, did you know?



There is one thing that is very controversial today with yesterday (17th). In fact, according to the United Nations, 9,000 tons of coal, coming from North Korea in October of last year, have arrived in our country. The UN Security Council prohibits imports and exports of North Korean coal. Therefore, it is argued that the Korean government has violated the sanctions.

Park Hyeon-joo is a journalist, and I will speak with a reporter.


Yes, that's right. When looking at the Sakhalin region in Russia, two ships carry 9000 tons of coal and arrive at Incheon port and Pohang port in Korea.

In fact, these coals are estimated to be North Korea from Wonsan and Cheongjin.

I have reported imports from Russia and I have imported it, and if North Korea is finally confirmed, there is controversy as to whether this constitutes a violation of the resolution sanctions from the UN Security Council.


First, the group of experts on sanctions against North Korea under the auspices of the United Nations Security Council gave an indication, but it is considered North Korea.

There are North Korean vessels such as "Ala 2".

The South Korean government also announced that it had transferred the coal that it had loaded from North Korea to the "Sky Angel Lake" Panamanian cargo ship and the "Rich Glory Ship" of the cargo Sierra Leone and that he arrived at Incheon port and Pohang port.


Is this true? If 9,000 tons of North Korean coal are good for the domestic market, we should always wait for the results, but should we consider this a violation of the UN Security Council sanctions?


Up to here, the position of the Korean government is that "the UN resolution does not bind North Korea, and it is also forbidden to 39 "buy by ships or planes."

But another official actually admitted

that in a telephone conversation with JTBC, "This time," it is a fact that there has a hole in the network of sanctuaries, "he said," without information, it is difficult to capture 1% of the world's freight volume. "Field Description


Another controversy, I told you twice two problems came to Korea earlier this year?


We came back this year, but when the coal loaded boats, estimated in North Korea last October , reappeared in February of this year, exactly four months later,

What we need to consider, is the resolution of u UN Security Council adopted last December

"Prohibited objects and vessels badociated with them must be detained."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

However, as some media raise the question, they say that they know that it is a North Korean mountain, but they were hidden

For example, in the second half of last year, the ship of the Shipping from Togo that transferred North Korean coal to a third country

As mentioned earlier, there is a possibility that a hole has been opened in the sanitary net, and there is still a problem in this part.

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