Busan, Lonely Planet's first tourist destination in Asia (KT)


"The mountains and the sea are in the same place … incredible landscapes, culture, food"

Lonely Planet, a global travel guide, has ranked Busan as the main destination for Asian destinations to visit this year.
CNN reported that Busan, which was once Korea 's second largest city, made a big leap in the shadow of Seoul, saying that Busan has been rated "Asia' s Best Travel Destination by the 2018 Lonely Planet". October 10 (local time).

CNN introduces Busan as a city about two and a half hours from Seoul to KTX, which is famous for its seaside resort, its delicious seafood and its picturesque beaches.

Lonely Planet is located between the mountains and the sea, where landscapes, culture and food are incredibly combined. "From hiking Buddhist temples to hot springs and seafood to the largest fish market,

Lonely Planet presents this year's Busan Cultural City Busan Festival in Busan this year and presents various events to showcase Korean cultural heritage, from urban art festivals to traditional shows, I will open it. "

"The cultural city of East Asia 2018, Busan" is a cultural exchange program organized each year by three countries, Korea, China and Japan.

Lonely Planet presents Busan as "the venue of a prestigious international film festival," adding, "This second city in Korea is now attracting more attention than the general public."

Lonely Planet's spokesperson for Asia-Pacific "Asia is a vast and diverse continent for anyone who dreams of leaving," he said, adding that "our Experts searched for a large number of recommendations and reviews to select the best travel destinations.

Lonely Planet announces this year's "Best Travel Destination in Asia", the third time this year, and it's a list that recommends the 10 places as "a place to visit the following year" .

In the 2018 ranking, Uzbekistan, the center of the Silk Road, followed by Busan, followed by Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh in 3rd, Shogetsu Mountains in India in fourth, and Nagasaki in Japan .

Thailand Chiang Mai, Nepal Lumbini, Sri Lanka Arugan Bay, Sichuan Province, China, and Komodo National Park, Indonesia, ranked 6-10.

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(Seoul-Yonhap News) Lee, Yoon Young

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