Caused by reduced microstructure of cerebrospinal fluid and sagittal brain.


A study has shown that the reduction of the microstructure of the brain's thalamus is related to the cause of embryonic disease.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (MRI) of the brain revealed that a reduction in brain microstructure is related to the disease.

The "thalbada" is known to act as a "hub" to connect and control various parts of the brain. Although there has been a steady increase in the volume of the thalamus and its connection to other parts of the brain, it has not yet been elucidated in terms of changes in the thalamus microstructure.

Studies have shown that microstructures are reduced at the onset of asthma in asthmatic patients and that we have used the latest MRI technique to calculate diffuse curvature indicating nuclei microstructure thalamic. They showed an 8-9% decrease in the degree of diffusion of the "dorsal inner core" of the hypothalamus, strongly correlated with the orbital frontal cortex, and the hypothalamic "pillow core", strongly badociated with the temporal lobes.

The microstructure of brain cells becomes more complicated as the brain develops, and the decrease in cerebral microcirculation is likely to reduce the capacity of intercellular neurotransmitters.

According to a researcher from the College of Medicine at the Seoul National University, "This study shows that sagittal microstructure reduction occurs in patients with early-stage disease." [19659002] This study suggests that SCI is a biomarker that can predict treatment response or risk of disease in the future by MRI. (19659010)

It was published in the May issue of the International Journal of Biological Psychiatry (IF = 11.98).

Reporter Kim Dong – hee

Reporter Kim Dong – hee [email protected]

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