Characterization of predatory bacteria of UNIST … Should treat infectious diseases


A study by a team of Korean researchers found that the biofilm can be degraded by pathogens, and the researchers found that the biofilm could be broken down into infectious diseases. This will help.

UNIST, Robert J. Mitchell, professor of life sciences, found that BALO, Bdellovibrio and Like Organism, removed the biofilm from Gram-positive bacteria and used it as a nutrient for 5 days

Bello is a bacterium that feeds on Gram-negative bacteria. Bello is harmless to the human body while eating harmful pathogens for our body, and it attracts attention as "live antibiotics". However, there is a limitation that Bello can not eat Gram positive bacteria.

Mitchell's team began to study the interactions of gram-positive bacteria with Bello, filling gaps in Bello's features. The researchers conducted various experiments using Staphylococcus aureus, a representative gram-positive bacterium.

When our bodies are injured or infected, bacteria form a biofilm. Biofilms composed of proteins, lipids, etc., increase antibiotic resistance and inhibit the effects of the drug, leading to chronic diseases. Therefore, the elimination of this biofilm is essential for effective treatment of infectious diseases.

The first author, Dr. Dr. Hansol Hans UNIST, said: "The decomposition of the biofilm improves the effectiveness of antibiotics and drugs, which is of great help in the treatment of infectious diseases. "

Scientists were able to confirm the biofilm degradation effect of Gram-positive bacteria, and they were able to remove the biofilm. It is expected that the range of Bello applications will be expanded.

Robert Mitchell, professor in the Department of Biosciences and Biotechnology, said, "The biofilm of bacteria is an infection in the human body.In addition, it can be found in everyday life, such as water pipes. and the water tanks. "By using the biodegradable effect of Bello, the biofilm can be removed in an environmentally friendly way, so that there will be many fields to use in the future." [19659002] Meanwhile, the study was published online in the journal of ISME on May 31

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