China invites Rimpak to be sent


China canceled the invitation to participate in the joint military exercise RIMPAC (RMPPAC) sent an electronic scout on the scene to monitor training, Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported on the 15th.
The newspaper quoted Chinese military experts saying the scout would try to get information on the communication channel from the training site, but said the trap itself did not violate the law international.

Colonel Charlie Brown, spokesman for the US Pacific Fleet, said that one of the Chinese patrols was operating in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 200 nautical miles along the coastline. Hawaii on November 11th.
"The Pacific Fleet is overseeing the Chinese Navy patrol vessel operating off the coast of the United States," Brown said, adding that "we expect this trap to remain outside the United States." [19659002] Rimpac is the world's largest joint multinational drill, hosted by the US Navy's Pacific Fleet Headquarters, every two years in the waters near Hawaii to protect the shipping lanes between the coast Pacific and strengthen cooperative power. This year's training takes place in 25 countries, including the United States, Korea and Japan, on the 27th of last month.

The US Department of Defense invited China to train this year after the 2014 and 2016 campaigns, but canceled the invitation due to the militarization of the South China Sea in May. . At that time, the Chinese Ministry of Defense criticized the statement that the militarization of the South China Sea was "fabricated" and stated that the cancellation of the invitation does was "not a constructive decision".

China also sent information on the tone of the East to follow the situation regarding training in 2014 and in 2016.

Seven ships were deployed in the Chinese Navy in September l 39 ;last year.

Chinese military commentator Li Jie said: "It is the normal business of the state to send information gathered to observe the military exercises of other countries. " "I will act in accordance with international laws and regulations."

However, these traps were generally more than 24 nautical miles from the coast.
Xu Guangwei, a senior researcher at the China Disarmament Society, said: "The dispatch of Chinese reconnaissance troops is the US response to strengthening the level of surveillance of Chinese vessels in recent years. Frequency and channel information. "

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(Shanghai-Yonhap News) Correspondent of Jung Ho Ho

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