China's anti-corruption scandal, "corruption and the civil bond" has arrived (complete) (SK, GS)


The scandalous guardian Changchun Changsung, 2003 Family management after deliberate privatization

Bribery giving rise to the practice of "bad vaccination" … Hong Kong, Concern about the Continental Vaccine

(Hong Kong-based) Ahn Seung-seop, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Health and Welfare, said yesterday that the vaccine scandal in China involving hundreds of thousands of patients

Chinese pharmaceutical companies Changchun Changsung Biotechnology and Wuhan Biological Product Research Center were selling a large amount of vaccines against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus and against rabies, I have recovered everything.

According to the South China Morning Post (SCMP) of Hong Kong, Myung Bo, Bin and Ilbo, infants who were vaccinated with the Changchun Changcheng vaccine and DTC produced by Wuhan Research Laboratories were found in Shandong provinces and from Hebei It is estimated at about 360,000.

When their parents' anger came to an extreme, they promised to thoroughly investigate and punish the responsible person, until Shi Jinping's comment.

The day before, Chang Seong Bio's president and four officers were arrested.

As the situation develops, the rapid growth of Changsung Bio is increasingly suspected.

Currently, Chang Sung Buyer holds an absolute stake in President Kao Kunfang, but he was a public company even until 2003.

Gao Zhenfang, one of the leaders of the time, became a major shareholder after getting a 35% stake in Changsung Bio through a privatization process surrounded by suspicion.

According to the article "King of Vaccines & # 39; which has spread rapidly in China online, the Chinese vaccine industry is now dominated by three companies, namely ChangSung Bio, YongYeong Bio, and Kantai Bio, Each of them is dominated by three people, including Gao Zhenfang, Han Jun Gang and Du Wei Min.

Gao Jung-chan It was reported that Han Jang-jin and Du-wai Min-ii were supported in the film when they bought the ChangSung Bio stock at a low price in 2003.

Gao Zinfang was ranked 371st last year with badets of $ 1.1 billion (about 1.1 trillion won) on China's Forbes China list of 400 Chinese codes.

ChangSung Bio became a major company last year, the second largest in the rabies and chickenpox vaccination market in China, but its operations were carefully conducted with family management at the company. 39; old.

Gao Junfang has five positions, including the chairman of the board of directors, the CEO and the chief financial officer of Chang Sung Bio.

Her husband is vice president, sales manager, and son is vice chairman of the board of directors.

It is suspected that the rapid growth of Changsung Bio has depended on cohesion and preference with health authorities, not technology.

Last year, Chang Sung Bio spent 580 million yuan (about 96 billion won) on marketing and sales expenses, but spent only 120 million yuan on research and development .

In addition, much of the marketing expense was due to bribes to the health authorities.

According to a decision of the Hebei Provincial Court in August, Wang Feng, head of the regional center for disease control, was sentenced to eight years in prison for receiving a bribe of 164,000 yuan ChangSung Bio Sales Manager.

China's Penfang Network said that Changsung Bio has been involved in 12 corruption cases in Anhui, Henan, Fujian and Guangdong for 17 years.

It is pointed out that corrupt practices were ubiquitous throughout the Chinese pharmaceutical industry as well as in Changsung Bio, which is causing the vaccine scandal.

Last year, a senior government official of the State Administration of the Food and Drug Administration, Xinhua Zhang, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for receiving nine million vaccines with a bribe of three million yuan.

Several years ago, Zhang Xiaowi, head of the Food and Drug Administration's control authority, granted a large amount of bribes and licensed drugs that had not been granted. not been subjected to clinical trials and sentenced to death.

However, even if a punishment rule is so low that it sells a substandard drug, the penalty is only three times the selling price of the drug.

Health authorities imposed a fine of only 3.4 million yuan (about 560 million won) on Changchun Changchun, which produced the defective DTC vaccine.

The net profit of the company last year reached 566 million yuan (about 95 billion won), which is ridiculously low.

A Chinese health official said, "Of the one billion vaccines produced in China in a year, only 5% go through the tests, and the tests are based on data provided by pharmaceutical companies." Pharmaceutical companies are not afraid of punishment because they are so weak. "

The people of Hong Kong are also increasingly concerned that mainland China wants to vaccinate their children in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong, which imports all vaccines from abroad, is dominated by vaccines manufactured by multinational pharmaceutical companies such as Sanofi Pasteur, France and GSK, UK.

This means that Chinese parents who have lost confidence in Chinese vaccines can flock to Hong Kong to vaccinate their children.

In fact, in order to vaccinate the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to prevent cancer of the cervix, over the past two years, 2 million mainland Chinese have flocked to Hong Kong which caused a shortage of HPV vaccines.

Finally, in April, the Hong Kong government banned Chinese tourists from being vaccinated against HPV.

In 2013, in China, Chinese tourists flocked to Hong Kong, where they arrived on the "milk powder" market, where milk powder was shipped to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong legislator Zhang Khaki urged the government to take action against the vaccine, saying, "If the Hong Kong government does not take swift action, a crisis may occur."

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