"Comfort women must renegotiate agreement" … 73% of Koreans vs. 23% of Japanese


While 73% of Koreans think that they should renegotiate the comfort women's agreement between Korea and Japan by the end of 2015, 23% of Japanese people think it's the same thing.

The Korea Times and Yomiuri

91% of South Korean respondents said that Japan should present more apologies for the issue of comfort women, while Japanese respondents

80% of South Korean respondents and 5% of Japanese respondents agreed that the creation of the comfort women awards in Korea and the United States, respectively

Among respondents in South Korea and Japan,

3 points and 8 points higher than the year before, respectively, but still low

Twenty-four percent of South Koreans responded to Japan, and 40% of Japanese surveyed felt "intimacy compared to Korea ".

66% of respondents in Korea and 83%

The two Koreans in Korea and Japan were highly suspicious of the national summit of the other country.

19659002] 21% of Japanese respondents say they trust Moon Jae-in, and only 5% of South Koreans surveyed say they trust Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister.

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