"Complete denuclearization" "FFVD" "CVID" The Korea-US diplomatic missions were different


  Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-sha, Foreign Minister Konodaro, Japanese Foreign Minister Mike Pompei and the US Secretary of State (right) take a commemorative photo before the ministers' meeting Korea, United States and Japan. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-sha, Japanese Foreign Minister Konodaro and US Secretary of State Mike Pompei (right) take a commemorative photo before the meeting of Korea-US foreign ministers United held in Tokyo on Monday. [AFP=연합뉴스]

"If our demands are as strong as force, the whole world is a burglar."

State Secretary Mike Pompei said on May 8 that the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo, Japan, C & # 39; was a statement made at a press conference after the meeting Foreign Ministers. "Our request for North Korea is the result of a unanimous resolution of the UN Security Council," he said.

This was a rebuttal of the statement of the North Korean Foreign Ministry in the afternoon of the 7th, saying that the United States claimed "only the demand for a strong unilateral denuclearization ".

In particular, Minister Pompeo said on his Twitter photo with Japanese Foreign Minister Konodaro Taro: "We discussed the maximum pressure on Japan and North Korea." Donald Trump, the US administration, decided not to use the term "maximum pressure" before the June 12 summit.

At the joint press conference, the foreign ministers of the three countries confirmed the cooperation, saying: "We will continue to sanction UN Security Council resolutions until denuclearization . "

◆ CVID Nya FFVD Nya = At ​​a press conference, three Foreign Ministers wrote various expressions on the denuclearization of North Korea. Japanese Foreign Minister Konodaru, who spoke first, wrote the phrase "complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization (CVIT)" twice. On the other hand, Secretary of State Pompeii expressed "a definitive and fully justified denuclearization" and Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa called it "complete denuclearization". In the interview, the question of the difference between CVID and FFVD was also answered.

▶ Kang Kyung-hwa = "Our goal is complete denuclearization."

▶ Pompeii = "There is no difference. "

◆ Sun vs Starting Point vs. Kidnapping = Among Ministers, the last 6 ~ The focus on the meeting of Pompeii-Kim Young-chul in North Korea on the 7th Minister Pompeii has broadly badessed North Korea's readiness to denuclearize, Kang said it was the starting point for problem solving, and Foreign Minister Kono paid attention to the question of the abduction of Japanese citizens.

▶ Pompeo = "For two days I had a fruitful conversation with Kim Young-chul, vice president, and his team and his good will. There will be difficulties and challenges before us.

▶ Kang Kyung-hwa = "The third visit of Minister Pompeii to North Korea is his first step.

▶ Kono =" Minister Pompeii is grateful to Raised the problem of kidnappings. Japan also wants to start a new relationship with North Korea. "

" Sanctions are a bit of a hindrance. "The three ministers have a relatively firm voice on the issue of UN Security Council sanctions.

▶ Kono =" The guarantee of the system to North Korea is provided during the implementation of denuclearization in accordance with the Singapore Summit. "

▶ Pompeii I will do it.

▶ Kang Kyung-hwa =" The UN Security Council decided to maintain the resolution.

Tokyo, correspondent of South Korea [email protected]

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