Controversy "Wacky" won by the general election, "Nozam" up to the age of 74 (Daewon, Lead)


'Port of Death & # 39; Paul Port promoted modernization, but 33-year-old dictator & # 39;
Prime Minister Hun Sen of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP), the Cambodian Democratic Party (PRC), won the Cambodian general election on 29 (local time), is a full-fledged personality who began as a communist guerrilla and led the modernization of Cambodia.
However, the image of the dictator was stronger than that of the leader who led the modernization before this election, because of the desire to extend the regime without resorting to means and methods such as the dismantling of the first party. Opposition and repression of critical media.

Born in 1951 in Kampong Cham province, in the north of Phnom Penh province, son of a member of the resistance against the French occupation forces, he settles in the age of 13 and attending private lessons at the temple.

In 1970, after General Ronnol took control of the monarchy of Norodom Sihanouk with a bloodless coup, he joined Marquis, a secret organization under the Khmer Rouge, at the same time. 39, age 19

I lost my left eye in the battle of the entrance battle, and I was able to accomplish my mission and receive attention.

However, when Paul Port's regime succeeded in commuting and murdering his father and relatives as a counterrevolutionary murderer in the "deathfield" mbadacre, Hunsen escaped to Vietnam in 1977 with four of his colleagues.

As soon as he crossed the border, he was arrested by the Vietnamese army, imprisoned in the camps and rallied his supporters to overthrow the Pol Pot regime.
Up to the support of Vietnam, worried about the surrealist regime of neighboring countries, Hun Sen attacked Cambodia in December 1978 and broke the Pol Pot regime and established the People's Republic of Cambodia.

At the age of 28, Hunsen seizes the leadership of the Cambodian leader in Cambodia, who contributes to the collapse of Paul Fort in the country's presidency, and becomes Minister of Business foreigners, attracting the support of the emerging regime.

With this achievement, he became prime minister at the age of 34 in 1985 after pbading through the deputy prime minister. He was the youngest prime minister in the world.

He also contributed to the end of the civil war in Cambodia after his accession to the post of Prime Minister, but in the general elections of May 1993, he defeated the Nationalist Party PUNCHINPEC, led by Lanarid, son of King Sihanouk . I was pushed to the prime minister.

However, in the 1998 general election, Hun Sen led the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) to victory and re-committed the promise. After his re-election in 2003, he promoted a development dictatorship based on the full support of the people .

Hun Sen, who was prime minister without a crisis, developed an ambitious plan to reign until the age of 74, after winning a difficult time in the 2013 legislative elections.

However, the HUNSEN CPP, which secured 68 seats in the 123-seat seat at the time, was a great threat to the growth of the first opposition party in Cambodia (CNRP), which occupied 55 seats.

CNRP annoyed Hun Sen with 44% of local elections in June last year.

The opposition to the "murderous field" of the Khmer Rouge and the younger generation who is disillusioned with the long-term decision of some political powers and the economy lagging rather than nostalgia for modernization due to the dictatorship of development support the propaganda of this opposition.

Feeling a sense of crisis, Hun Sen condemned him for attempting to overthrow the government by reconciling with outside powers, forcibly dissolving the CNRP and banning politicians from participating in politics.

On top of that, Hensen also launched a tax bomb, which was criticized by the government, forcing it to close or sell it to pro-government officials.

That is why the word "dictator" is more often attached to the name of the prince who had been in power for 33 years.

However, Hunsen has not been accused of such criticism. It has strengthened the close ties with China, which does not address the issue of human rights, far from the United States and the West, who oppose it. Opposition and repression of the media.

In this controversy, Cambodia has already won the title of the world's oldest prime minister after 33 years of rule.

Unless the alternative power of changing the political terrain of Cambodia emerges during the additional administration of Hun Sen, it is highly likely that his old age, who will be in power at the age of 74, will become reality.

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(Bangkok: Yonhap News) Correspondent of Kim Sang Hoon

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