"Convenience drug sales, introductory corporate pharmacy …" A pharmacy meeting meeting a downtown


"National Health Threats for Convenience, Profitability … Absolute Opposition"

Members of Korean pharmacists shout slogans at the "Gathering of Pharmacists for the Protection of National Health & # 39; which was held at Cheonggye Plaza in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the 29th. National pharmacists expand their list of convenience stores by selling drugs, introduce a pharmacy system and find that a pharmacy of The company imposes it as a convenience, threatening the health of the population.

At 2:00 pm, Cheonggye Plaza, Jung-gu, Seoul, the presenter estimated that 3,300 police officers (2,000 policemen) were meeting to organize a "National Congress on Health Protection" to raise public awareness.

Korean pharmacists decided to increase drug sales in delta convenience stores △ stop pharmacies and open illegal pharmacies in hospitals and clinics △ to prevent the introduction of pharmaceutical drugs △ to ask the withdrawal of large commercial pharmacies [19659004] They said: "When we started selling drugs in convenience stores, the side effects increase day by day" and "

He also criticized the need to defend the pharmacy (license) pharmacy, saying, "A pharmacy at the enterprise scale is a drug that can hinder the proper distribution of drugs. "In particular, if pharmacies are installed in hospitals, it will undermine the principle of the division of medicine by encouraging the creation of medical institutions and pharmacies."

He also opposed the introduction of a "distributor of images", which can be bought and sold. The Korean Association of Pharmacists said: "The current amendment to the law on pharmacies that introduces a pharmacopoeia is currently before the National Assembly, and if allowed, it could result in a weakening of drugs, machine malfunction or mishandling, "

" The Korea Employers Federation of Korea recently recommended the opening of a business pharmacy for the revitalization of the This means that large capital will go to the pharmacy market and will encourage people to abuse drugs. "

Korean pharmacists have repeatedly argued that this requirement relates to the health of the people." Cho Chan-hui, chairman of the Korean Pharmacists Association, stressed that "what we intend to win by the ups and downs is not our own interest or our merit, "he repeated," restore the health of the people of the Republic of Korea. "" The rights to the health of the people should not be considered an economic logic, "but the president of the College of Pharmacy College said:" But people are allowed to have health rights and a huge capital overseeing opportunities. "△ Develop the drug from convenience store sales △ Prevent the opening of illegal pharmacies in the company / pharmacy and prevent the establishment of illegal pharmacy in the hospital / clinic △ Prevent the introduction of drug dispenser △ In the sense of opposing the introduction of commercial pharmacies,

The Department of Health and Welfare announced the suspension of the designation of the convenience store drug at the end of the year. last year The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has set up a "security composition system" since 2012 and can now sell 13 topical safety products, such as antipyretics, cold medicines, agents fire extinguishers and friends in convenience stores. [Séoul = News 1]


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