Day 28 is a day of hepatitis … "A · E type is acute … B, C, D are a chronic problem of liver cancer health problem" – Chosunbiz


Entry: 2018.07.25 15:15

The main cause of hepatitis is the hepatitis virus and the consumption of alcohol. However, rarely, medications, fatty liver and autoimmune diseases can cause hepatitis.

Viral hepatitis can range from hepatitis A, B, C, D and hepatitis E, a problem that has recently become a problem with European sausages.

Professor Shin (19459007) ) reported that "hepatitis A and hepatitis E are the most common hepatitis," Hepatitis B, C, and D are diseases Acute and chronic diseases that cause problems in our body and can lead to death from cirrhosis and liver cancer if they are not treated properly. "

Shin said: "Hepatitis D is a problem only for patients with hepatitis B and is not a common hepatitis in our country." He also pointed out that "hepatitis is a disease that can be infected in everyday life, so it is very important to have accurate knowledge and to prevent hepatitis."

l hepatitis A & quot; which has more than 40 generations … Preventable by vaccination

Hepatitis A is known among young people from 20 to 30 years old.

However, in recent years younger generations have developed antibodies in the hygienic environment and are therefore susceptible to infection because of their low retention of antibodies.

However, in recent years there has been a change in the age of onset and the number of patients over the age of 40 is increasing. Shin Hyun-pil, a professor of gastroenterology at Kyunghee University Hospital, said, "Awareness of hepatitis A has increased and children and young people have gained immunity through vaccination." The problem is that we were not well vaccinated because of the small number. "Professor Shin said," Before 2010, 20 patients outnumbered those in their forties, but recently, the ratio of patients in their forties was over high than in their twenties. "

Symptoms of hepatitis A include fatigue, abdominal discomfort, dyspepsia, vomiting, chills, fever, etc., are likely to be present. be misunderstood as colds, body aches and early enteritis In the second half of the disease, jaundice and urine changes are often seen in hospitals.

Most of them are natural remedies, May s in some cases, they can cause liver failure and become dangerous, and it is best to get special treatment to control the symptoms. In addition, even if I am cured, I could have an outbreak of the family or people around me who have been infected with the incubation period before the onset of symptoms, so consultation is also necessary .

Liver cancer progresses when it remains intact hepatitis B …

Hepatitis B is still the cause the most important of the hepatocellular carcinoma in Korea. In the past, it has been said that the infection can be caused by turning a drink or eating together, but is actually known to be transmitted through blood, badual contact, and damaged mucous membranes.

Hepatitis B can progress chronically by acute hepatitis. During acute hepatitis, like other viral hepatitis, abdominal pain, anorexia and jaundice may accompany. However, there are many cases of children infected with the hepatitis B virus in Korea and it is easy to neglect the care as they usually remain without symptoms. Fortunately, now, after birth, vaccines and immunoglobulin injections prevent vertical infection. Hepatitis can also be prevented by vaccination in adult patients.

On the other hand, patients with existing hepatitis B are unlikely to benefit from these vaccinations and are likely to have vague fears about progression to the next year. hepatopathy or liver cancer.

Professor Shin Hyun-pil said, "Chronic hepatitis B can prevent the progression of cirrhosis or liver cancer through treatment." Even if you do not take any medications, you need to A specialist for appropriate screening and early detection of the disease. "

◇ [19659007] H Hep C …

Hepatitis C characterized by its transmission through blood or mucous membranes.In contrast to hepatitis B, patients with acute hepatitis C are more likely to develop chronic disease.Although hepatitis is highly chronic, the vaccine has not yet been developed and hepatitis C can not be prevented.Continual progression can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer as well as hepatitis B.

& nbsp; Acute hepatitis C presents symptoms such as abdominal pain, fatigue and jaundice, but patients with chronic hepatitis C are accidentally diagnosed.

Professor Shin Hyun-pil said, "We know that hepatitis B is less common than hepatitis B, and we know that it is very difficult to treat, but unlike Previous interferon-based injections, potent antiviral drugs The side effects of hepatitis C treatment are much lower, so the newly cured Hepatitis C drugs have a cure rate very high. " & quot; Hepatitis & quot; being able to be infected by water or food

Hepatitis E is not a common disease and its evolution is not usually bad. As with our familiar hepatitis A, it is possible to have a large-scale infection due to the possibility of oral infection by water or food, and hepatitis can occur only after 7-10 days after the infection.

Like other acute hepatitis, it can accompany jaundice, itching, muscle aches, tingling, and abdominal discomfort. However, it is often asymptomatic or mild. Most of them recover on their own, but precautions should be taken in the case of immunocompromised patients and pregnant women.

Depending on the place of travel, you should not eat water or contaminated food and do not eat raw if there is a risk for imported food.

☞ Hepatitis Prevention Guidelines
△ Hepatitis A and B are prevented by vaccination. △ Hepatitis B and hepatitis C can become chronic and receive special treatment before the onset of cirrhosis of the liver or liver cancer. Tests are necessary, even if you are able to suppress or cure the virus through powerful drugs and not treat. △ Do not share razors, nail clippers, etc. who can be infected with blood, etc. Families need to be vaccinated in advance (even if you have chronic hepatitis in your family, you do not have to worry too much about infections). [ad_2]
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