Debate on the "rumor" of the terrorist rumor about the "underwater poison" of the death penalty (Yasu)


"Violation of the rights of life … do not let the facts know" vs "

The Japanese government complains about the execution of all the criminals involved in the crime of Ohmyungryo on the 26th, and the debate on the death of the death penalty is heating up again in the Japanese company.
Opponents of the death penalty point out that the death penalty violates the right to life and that it is also detrimental to the truth of the case, while the consensus claims to retain the death penalty in the spirit of the survivors.

According to Japanese media reports, the Japanese government executed the death penalty for six of the Aomori religions, including Hayashi Yasuo (60), who was sentenced to death at the Tokyo Sarin subway station in 1995.

As a result, the executions of the 13 death row criminals involved in the crime of Omar Khirijh, including the seven who carried out the crime on June 6, were completed.

Amnesty International, a human rights group "This is not an incident that has resulted in the death penalty for 13 people in recent weeks," he said, "this is not does not mean that the Japanese company is safe. "

He criticized, "As the death penalty was imposed, it was impossible to say why people were attracted to charismatic doctrines with dangerous ideas."

He added: "Japan is at a time when all executions should be suspended and discussions for the abolition of the death penalty should begin."

Yutaro Kikuchi, president of the Japanese Bar Association, said: "The death penalty is a punishment for human rights violations against the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution, Should turn my eyes. "

He said: "We strongly protest against the execution of today," he said, "we must immediately stop all executions and abolish the death penalty. by 2020 ".

On the other hand, Masato Takahashi, general secretary of the "Forum of Lawyers for Support to Victims of Crime", said at a press conference: "I support this execution for victims of crime ". If you think about your feelings, you should not criticize the execution of the execution lightly. "

He said, "There are critics that no one can tell the truth if everyone is executed (death sentence), but there are enough possibilities during the trial to reveal the truth."

Unlike Korea, where the death penalty has not been applied since 1997, Japan is in fact a "state abolitionist", Japan maintains the death penalty with the United States, China , Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Since the inauguration of Abe Shinzo, 34 executions have been executed in 14 cases.

On the execution of the death penalty in the case of Ohm Jin Rifism terrorism, the advantages and disadvantages between survivors and victims are mixed.

A 50-year-old man who lost his father in a terrorist attack said, "I think the government made the appropriate judgments on the basis of court judgments, given the state of affairs. spirit of the victims and survivors ". "He said.

A man (80) who was saved by a terrorist attack after rescuing a son who joined the denomination stressed that "the execution of the death penalty against so many people is a shame that the people ".

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(Tokyo-Yonhap News) Correspondent of Kim Byung-Gyu

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