Defense · North Korea: Politic: News: Hankyoreh


  On July 27, 1953, United Nations Commander-in-Chief William Harrison (left) and North Korea's chief representative Nam Il signed a truce agreement in Panmunjom.

On July 27, 1953, at Panmunjom, United Nations Commander-in-Chief William Harrison (left) and North Korea's chief representative, Nam Il, signed the agreement. ;armistice. Hankyoreh photo

"The best of unification Bongjin Goto Restoration!"
This is an introductory letter written on top of both sides of the spread by a military unit that wrote "The suspicious person, the object report 1338" on the beach near Kupon Harbor Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do adjacent to the military demarcation line. On the outside, Rhee refused to sign the armistice agreement, claiming that "North Korea should be a puppet" and "North Korean reunification." This is contrary to the spirit of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, which states "peaceful unification" and excludes the source of unification by force. However, in the world where leaders of the North and the South meet twice in a month to discuss peace and prosperity, all the soldiers in this unit blow up the Han Bridge after the war and sincerely admire the war. unification of North Korea. I will not do it. The "Unification of North Korea" unfolds as a fatality of the Cold War hostile to the time and on the other side of the darkness that has not disappeared at the same time .
Black-faced girls and boys get ready for breakfast on the beach, not far from the North Unification. I put two bicycles on it, and I look at the bowl of boiling pans. It runs the "Peace Nuri Road" which leaves the western fortress, crosses the demilitarized zone and heads to the east end of the Goseong-gun unification observatory. In the breakfast conversation between this young father and his young son, tired of fatigue and pride, "North Korean unification" does not appear. It's as weird as the heat of the July 27, 2018 boom of the Korean peninsula, where "the unification of North Korea" and "Peace Nuri"
June 25, 1950. No Korean knows what this day means. The day of the war of three years, often called the "war of June 25". Since that day, the gunfire did not stop on the Korean peninsula for 1127 days. Only 5,114,880 were killed, reported missing or injured in South Korea and North Korea (1,894,880 men, 3,220,000 North). In the southern part of the country, a soldier, a soldier and a civilian killed each other with rifles and bamboo. The sadness has formed the sea and the grudge has reached the end of heaven.

  On July 27, 1953, an armistice agreement signed by North Korea, China, and the United Nations (UN) representative without South Korea.

An image of the armistice agreement signed by the President of North Korea, China and the UNC (United States) without Korea on July 27, 1953. The July 27, 1953, the sound of gunshots stopped throughout the Korean peninsula. 65 years ago today. This is a "breakdown". There were two roads in front of us that day. Enemy or reconciliation. The parties to the war chose to enlarge and replicate hostilities, not reconciliation.
However, the Armistice Agreement states in its preamble that "the purpose of the establishment of a ceasefire that guarantees the complete cessation of hostilities and all the incendiary acts on the Korean peninsula until the end of the peaceful settlement "is clearly recommended to both parties. . In addition, in the preamble, after the agreement was "purely military", it was stated that "in order to ensure a peaceful settlement of the Korean question, (Article 4, Article 60) that" the Three countries should send their representatives within three months to convene a high-level political meeting of the two sides and to hear on issues such as the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the Korean peninsula and the peaceful resolution of the peninsula In 1954, a political meeting was held in Geneva, Switzerland, in accordance with an armistice agreement stipulating "a high-level political summit." However, no agreement was reached. found on the reconciliation, peace and unification of the Korean peninsula.And Vietnam was divided north and south with the 17th parallel to the north.The darkness of the Cold War hostilities extend from 39, eastern end of the island 39, Asia to the south.
The South and the North have long been hostile. On June 25, students went to a speech contest that spoke of "Communist Party, Chop Sujyu Fighters" and painted a protagonist, "Fog Poster," with a horned wolf in the head. The government, schools and broadcasts reminded us of "June 25". I was forced to think who was "enemy". This is the reason why we chose the name of the war epidemic only for the history of modern and modern war as the name (war of June 25). In front of 6 25,, Koreans react like Pavlov's dogs.
Nobody asked for the meaning of & # 39; 7 · 27 & # 39; We have tried to block the opportunity to mobilize the power of citizens to plan an opportunity to look at the world of our unstable peace built on an endless war, the "last peaceful resolution". This is an icon of the "hostile politics", which is another name for "6 25", as the coup d'etat of 5.16, the dictatorship, the blow of 12.12 state and the blow of 5.17. On the other hand, 4 · 19, 5 · 18, 6 · 10, and candles are icons of the citizen's aspiration to cross the "unstable peace" of & # 39; 7 · 27 & # 39; ; June 15, 10 · 4, 4 · 27, 5 · 26 The South-North Summit is a lotus flower that citizen aspirations have made from muddy water.

  President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un meet on the 27th at the North-South summit meeting in 2018 to meet at Panmunjom. Kim Kyung-ho, Senior Reporter

President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un meet in Panmunjom on the morning of 27th, at the inter-Korean summit of 2018. Kim Kyung-ho Senior Reporter [19659003] In 2018, the 7th & 27th, born for 65 years, entered the frozen land and appeared before us. President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-eun led the Panmunjom military demarcation line north and south, the Kim Jong Eun summit and US President Donald Trump flew to Singapore. It is the first North American summit to be considered a "good partner".
The year 2018 was the first year that the & # 39; 7 · 27 & # 39; was more popular than the & # 39; 6 · 25 & # 39; in the long division. It took 65 years of '6' to 25 '. at & # 39; 7 · 27 & # 39; In 2018, it is a historic moment when the paradigm shifts from "hostile politics" to "the origin of war" to "the origin of peace."
And there is a "declaration of war" in front of us. The South and North agreed to "cooperate to advance the issue of the declaration of the end of the war" in the declaration of the summit 10.4 in 2007. In the declaration of Panmunjom of April 27, 2013, "It will declare the end of this year, 65 years after the signing of the agreement, "and is committed to" actively promote the holding of a tripartite meeting between the three Koreas or the South and the North. " North Korea and the United States also discussed the issue of the end of the war in Singapore.
The South and the North are aggressive in declaring the end of the war. However, the debate on the declaration of the end of the war took place at the Korea-United States Summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit held in Hanoi, Vietnam on November 18, 2006. The President George W. Bush told President Roh Moo-hyun Me and President Roh and Kim Jong Il sign the agreement, "he said President George W. Bush, who participated in the mid-term elections -mandate in recent years, has made progress in resolving the issue in the Korean peninsula and tried to revive the power of the administration.The international political scientist Philip Jellyko, adviser of the State Department, C & Was advisory.
President Bush has repeatedly stated that "the signing of a peace treaty to end the Korean War with President Kim Jong Il" was repeated at the APEC summit summit held at Sydney, Australia, September 7, 2007. President Bush's repeated proposal for a peace treaty is a statement from a former senior official who said: "The people of the US State Department, surprised and surprised, quickly rushed to conclude a peace agreement declaring the end of the war.
President Roh agreed with Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang from 2 to 4 October this year, explaining the situation. "President Bush has expressed his intention to declare the end of the war, and Chinese President Hu Jintao said: Kim Jong-il said," Then you should do it with three or four people. " the testimony of a senior person who was well informed at the time of the declaration of the end of the third or fourth person.However, the US government has shown no aggression in the declaration of the end of the war, and the six-party talks failed under the Lee Myung-bak administration and the US regime change.The debate on the previous statement was also lost.

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Statement of the end of the year, 2018, more than one decade, came to the water again.North and South Korea o And promised a "declaration of war" this year, and President Trump has shown a favorable attitude to the declaration of war.This is a source familiar with the fact that President Trump, and not Kim Jong Eun, has First took the declaration of the end of the war, at the meeting of June 12 in Singapore. Secretary of State Mike Pompeii, however, did not announce the end of the third round of six-party talks. In addition, in recent years, the United States has expressed the desire to use the declaration of war as a bargaining card that puts pressure on North Korea's denuclearization measures.
The declaration of the end of the war is a political declaration that the war is over on the Korean peninsula. This is not an internationally binding peace treaty. There is no legal effect on the armistice and the armistice itself. It is seen as a catalyst and stepping stone towards the denuclearization and normalization of relations between North Korea and the United States. Nevertheless, the declaration of the end of the war will demand the origin of the "unstable peace" of the armistice system and the "last peaceful resolution" (preface to the armistice agreement). ), "Establishment of a permanent and safe peace regime" It is the fervor of firefighters. During the process, the Korean company will inquire about the reasons for the existence of the ROK-US alliance, the United Nations Command and the USFK. The declaration of the end of the war – why many experts point out that the search for a peace treaty "opens a Pandora's box". Pandora opened the lid of the jar that Zeus had warned him not to open, and all the disasters spilled out, and that quickly ended, saying that the pot of Pandora's Greek mythology remained in the jar.
The strange world is scared. But if you do not face a strange world, the new world will not open. So do not be afraid. If Pandora did not close the lid of the pot, hope would have come into the world, and the world we live in would have been very different. Let's open the lid of Pandora's pot. Until hope comes out and this agitated world is wrapped up. Another name for this hope is peace.
Principal reporter [email protected]

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