Do you want to detain the North Korean freighter? I do not see China or Japan.


In October, it was reported that cargo ships loaded with North Korean coal in Russia were loaded and unloaded without any penalty, raising suspicions that the South Korean government deliberately neglected sanctions against Korea. North. That's it However, at present, these ships can no longer be detained when they arrive in Korea. This is because there is a lack of evidence.

Cargo ships that imported North Korean coal into South Korea not only entered the Korean port freely, but also freely into Chinese and Japanese ports.

The obligation to abide by the UN Security Council Resolution is not only in Korea, but in all Member States. . In the affirmative, do China and Japan guarantee the entry and the free navigation of these cargo ships, which also contributes to violating the resolution?

North Korean Coal [Kim19659004] In March, the UN Security Council, the Sanctions Committee of 1718, A group of experts submitted a final report on March 4 , resolution 2345, which contains two cargo ships in question.
Four cargo freighters laden with coal in North Korea from August to September last year were unloaded at the port of Kholmsk, Russia, and the angel of Panama ships and l 39; Sierra Leone's rich Glory expedition were in October of the same year. It is said that they discharged coal respectively to Incheon and Pohang. (North Korea → Russia → South Korea) This report has signaled the possibility of a violation of Security Council Resolution 2371 (5 August 2017), which prohibits North Korea from exporting coal.

However, the report does not indicate that it is possible that these vessels could replace their origin by replacing the coal at the same location where North Korean vessels discharged coal. The investigations are in progress.

Before and after the arrival of these freighters in Korea, the Korean government obtained suspicious information about North Korean coal and the Korean customs service. Search and so on. In the event that there is a rational basis for the violation of the Security Council resolution, Security Council Resolution 2375 (11 September 2017) states that Member States may inspect on the high seas with the consent of the Security Council. Flag State)

but did not retain the cargo ship. When it is clear that the cargo is on the list of UN sanctions, or if it is clear that goods have been loaded in North Korea, it is possible to take immediate action such as the detention or seizure;

In the position of the forwarder, it is suspected that the cargo is not manufactured from North Korea when it carries cargo between Russia and South Korea.

"It is difficult to detain a ship because it is suspected to have North Korean coal in the cargo"

cargo era A Foreign Ministry official said: "The only action we could do against the Rich Glory and Skye Angels by the UN resolution was to search the ship." He added: "Suspicions of sanctions may be imposed on the sender There is a possibility of punishment depending on the outcome of the investigation because the shippers remain in Korea." He added: "Suspicion that North Korea's coal is on a ship carrying several cargoes is a violation of the sanctions, which makes difficult a strong action. "

Since then, Security Council Resolution 2397 (22 December 2017). In order to avoid sanctions, the possibility of importing and exporting coal and oil using various methods is reflected, and "the fact that member countries can search for or retain their own port or pollution against the export or import of North Korean oil "

Three vessels announced that the government had detained them on the basis of the resolution. The lighthouse Winmoor and Kotiho were arrested because there was clear evidence that they were transporting refinery products to North Korea from ships in deep-sea vessels. Ace talent was detained at the 39, origin to be a high divine ho.

Of the three vessels detained, Kothi is on the UN sanctions list. In December of last year, the United States proposed to put 10 of these ships on the sanctions list, but only four were added to the list, with China disagreeing

Richgli, suspected of transport North Korean coal to Russia, and the Angel of Heaven has not been mentioned on the sanctions list.

In the case of ships suspected of violating UN sanctions, the case of a ship sought violations of UN Security Council resolutions at that time. day, Korea is the only country to have been the subject of numerous detentions.

There is a report on the 17th <미국의 소리> (VOA) on the beginning of the issue of the problem of the "North Korea Cargo Ship". It was shocking to hear that North Korea's coal was "swept away from its origin" in Korea and that South Korea was carrying out UN sanctions. But there is no report from the UN that says Korea is a North Korean coal transit.

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