Eating Yogurt Causes Stroke (Research)


Yogurt prevents stroke by eating (study)

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Saturated fats in yogurt, cheese, butter and milk do not increase the risk of heart disease, according to the report. Rather, high-fat dairy products have reduced the risk of death from stroke.

A team of researchers from the University of Texas conducted research on more than 3,000 people over the age of 65 for 22 years.

Studies have shown that high-fat dairy products, contrary to the general idea, are a risk factor for heart disease or an overall risk of heart disease and have not increased mortality. In addition, it has been shown that fatty acids in dairy products reduce the risk of death by cardiovascular disease by 42%, particularly by stroke.

Low fat dairy products are recommended according to US or UK dietary guidelines.

The researchers report that "the results of the study suggest that dietary guidelines for high-fat dairy products are not available,"

"These nutrients have the effect of fighting the disease." inflammation and lowering blood pressure, "he said," showing that nutrients such as calcium and potbadium are healthy, dairy products are essential for good health from childhood to life, and should be ingested to prevent osteoporosis and other diseases. "

The results of this study are summarized as follows. specific mortality in the elderly: Cardiovascular Health Study, July 11 (local time) (19659005)

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In the 39 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
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Kwon Soon Il reporter
([email protected])

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