Eurasia Youth Travel 2018 to complete the 22-day journey of 22 days


[Busan = NewSise] Reporter Huh Sang-cheon = The city of Busan has successfully completed the 3000-tower trip to the Eurasia Youth Festival 2018, which has been cooperating with the cities of China, Kazakhstan, Russia and Japan. other Eurasian cities. The Eurasia Youth Festival, which was launched in order to reach a consensus for advancement in the north and to make Busan a gateway town for Eurasia, announced on 30th that the day of Busan in St. Petersburg was completed last time.

Busan Day and Busan Day will be held for the 10th anniversary of Busan City Busan, Korean Promotional Booth Operation, K-pop Dance Competition, Busan-Sankt

Busan Day in Busan St. Petersburg, Alexandrovsky Park, Jae-min Park, Mayor of Busan, Vice President of Foreign Relations Committee of the City of St. Petersburg, Consul General of Korea in St. Petersburg,

Last year, Busan City and Busan City met with Busan City on the economy and trade, transportation, strategic planning, waste management, water supply and transportation. 39, water, culture and more. (2017 ~ 2021) in the city of Busan to advance in the new northern region. It is an important fortress city.

The members of the Eurasian Youth Festival visited the Korean companies Hyundai Motors and Sungwoo Hitech, who traveled to St. Petersburg as the last official ceremony.

Meanwhile, from the first stage in 2016, members of the Eurasian Youth Festival 2018 will visit Busan from Vladivostok, Hunchun, Changchun, Beijing, Urumqi, Hogos, Almaty, Astana, Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg in Kazakhstan. (19659002)

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