Europe burns … Sweden, Greece Emergency – Kookmin Ilbo


Firefighters look around a crumbling area after a firefighting operation on Thursday, June 23 in Kineta, near Athens, Greece. Two big fires in Athens near Athens have left at least 50 dead and more than 150 wounded. Xinhua News

Europe burns.

AFP reports that a major forest fire occurred in southern European countries, while forest fires were common in the Nordic countries, including in Sweden, Finland and Norway. Two large forest fires were fired on Ketneta in the western suburbs of the city and on the Penteleri in the northeast, killing at least 50 people and injuring more than 150 people. The dead were often found in homes or cars without escaping the fast flames.

Hundreds of firefighters clung to evolve, but the flames that lasted nearly 40 degrees were so fast that they struggled to evolve. The Greek authorities first asked residents of Athens to evacuate their homes and to seek emergency badistance from the European Union. Germany, France and Cyprus sent firefighters and airplanes. The Greek authorities have closed the Acropolis, a famous tourist attraction in Athens, with the Parthenon, etc.

Forest burned by the Usundal forest fires in northern Sweden. In Sweden, a total of 80 forest fires have been reported and an emergency situation has been declared throughout the country. The area burned covers 250 million square meters. AP News

Sweden, which has been fighting forest fires for almost ten days, declared an emergency situation. In Sweden, since July 15th, there have been 80 forest fires. In particular, 31 forest fires occurred in areas near the Arctic Circle. In Arctic Sweden, the average summer temperature is about 23 degrees Celsius, but this year it has risen to 35 degrees Celsius.

At the request of Sweden, EU countries such as France, Italy and Germany send firefighters and firefighters helicopters to help evolve, but this is not the case. Is not easy. Due to high temperatures and strong winds, the fire continues to spread in other areas. To date, 40 forest fires are not fully evolved.

The Swedish press said: "Sweden is burning, I have faced an unprecedented pain." Although this is not the case in Sweden, two or three days ago, fires occur in Finland and Norway.

Ji Ji-young reporter [email protected]

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