Experts say "ICBM North manufacturing situation, not surprising"


"Kim Jong-un never promised to stop nuclear / missile production"

The situation in which Pyongyang appears to secretly manufacture a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) near Pyongyang has been detected, reported the Washington Post on 30 (local time). ). Despite reports that North Korea continues to produce intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), US experts have expressed concern over North Korea's denuclearization issues, including the nuclear weapons program of North Korea. North Korea, I do not think the negotiations will have a big impact right now. Harry Kajianis, head of research at the Defense Department of the CNI's Think Tank, said: "The North has promised to denuclearize, but it has never promised to openly shut down nuclear facilities or missiles.

Kim said that on January 1 of this year, Kim Jong-un, the head of the National Defense Commission, will be able to do nothing for missile development in the New Year. nuclear weapons and rocket industry, we must accelerate the production and mbad deployment of nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles (missiles) that have already ensured their strength and reliability. "

During a dialogue with Korea and the United States, at the third general meeting of the 7th General Assembly of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea held in April this year, the talks at the summit between The United States and North Korea proceeded prospectively, promising "a comprehensive effort to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula". However, North Korea's nuclear and missile tests

Kajianis said in a Fox News article that "Kim agreed to freeze the production of missiles and nuclear missiles as well as before the summit with President Donald Trump.

In an interview with Reuters, the founder of the North Korean website '38 North, the former Soviet Union and Iran negotiated with the United States during the Cold War, "North Korea is unrealistic in its expectation that the agreement stops the nuclear program before the ink is dry."

Bipin and professor at the 39, Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) also said on Twitter that "Kim is just doing what he said he would do," he still broke no promise, "

The experts, however, ordered the US government to speed up preparations for the next round of negotiations. does not want to be involved in denuclearization talks with North Korea.

Bruce Bennett, senior research scientist at the Rand Institute, said, "Now North Korea is using pressure tactics to bring down the sanctions of the United States." North Korea knows we are watching them.

Prior to this, the Washington Post (WP) stated on November 30 (US time) that US intelligence agencies have recently signed an agreement with Pyongyang An badysis of satellite photographs at the US-based factory. Sannom's copper armament showed that the situation in which one or two ICBMs were manufactured was captured.


US Experts Say "ICBM North Manufacturing Situation, Not Surprising"

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