Filipino mayors


A suspect who was shot dead in the western market of the Philippines

Two days in a row in the Philippines, a local market was shot dead by a devastating man.

Especially after Rodrigo Duterte

The mayor of Tanauansi was shot dead on the island of Luzon, in the northern Philippines, on the morning of May 2, when the mayor of the Philippines was killed

them, the mayor of Tanauansi is on the list of allegations of drug abuse in his powerful wife

The Philippine Association of Local Authorities (LMP)

Brontelal LMP vice president of the Security Council of the UN,

He said: "I will ask President Duteret to make the police command of the private markets because of the allegations related to drugs."

19659003] The mayor of a small local town appealed, "How can we ensure our safety in the absence of a police escort?"

Two mayors who appeared on the list of suspected drug cases denied the allegations, "

The Philippine Cities Union (LCP) also threatens municipal officials with a list of suspected drug addicts." Drug-related claims, saying, "There is no point in strengthening your security if you become a target.

The Drug Enforcement Agency elected a member of parliament and representative of the local grbadroots government (Barangay), which was held on May 14

The Drug Enforcement Agency said that about 93 elected officials, including mayors and lawmakers, were on the list in early June, according to a statement issued by the State Department. (Document) .focus (); fn_getNewsBannerInfo ([‘PL0001′,’PL0002’][$(‘.main_bnr_event’),$(‘.w_bnr_wing’)]); $ (document) (". s_article iframe"). width () == 544) {$ (". sed_article iframe"). attr ("} (document ()) .ready (function () {(function (i, s)) {i [r] = i [r] = i [r] || function () {(i [r] .q = i [r] .q || (19459022); a.async = (19459020) )), I [r] .l = 1 * new Date (); a = s.createElement (o), m = s.getElementsByTagName (Window, Document, & quot; Script, & # 39; / /','ga'); ga (crea ga (& # 39; set & # 39 ;, & # 39; dimension4 & # 39,, & # 39; NewsArticle & # 3 9;); ga (set, # 1; ga (set, #AU-53828044-1, auto ga (& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 39) ;, 'Linkid'; ga ('set', 'dimension3', '07'; ga (& # 39; require & # 39;); & # 39;); ga (& # 39; 39,, & # 39; displayfeatures & # 39; (news, short stories, news, short stories, news, news), catch (), catch () (e) {}
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