Filipinos also shoot Koreans … A wounded tourist




Local police investigate shootings in the Philippines against Koreans.

According to the Embbady of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines on June 16, a Korean tourist A (48), in front of a hotel in the Philippine capital, Manila City,. We know that Mr. A's life does not hurt.

According to local police, two foreigners driving a motorcycle in a taxi called by Mr. A attempted to open the car door, Mr. A immediately ran to the opposite door and was pulled a helmet … I received. The suspects quickly escaped and taxi drivers disappeared.

Police found three 45-gauge gun shells on the scene, and they track suspects as robberies for money.

Following the news, the Korean embbady immediately dispatched a police officer to the scene to investigate the incident and requested a thorough and prompt investigation of the local police.

On the other hand, only two months after South Korean Kim (58) was shot dead in a residential area of ​​Metro Manila Kalookan in the Philippines on May 16,.

Lee Ji-young Lee [email protected]

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