First development of nanoparticles to eliminate the "cocktail" of active oxygen at the origin of Parkinson 's disease


[서울=뉴스핌] Kim, Yong-Sup, a researcher in Korea, developed the world's first technology to selectively eliminate active oxygen, a major cause of Parkinson's disease.

IBS Nano Particle Research Group, The team has developed a system of cerium nanoparticles (CeO2) that removes active oxygen in and out of the cell by region, and has been successful in confirming its therapeutic effect by applying it to model mice for Parkinson's disease.

As a result, the nanoparticle system of cerium oxide developed at this time should be widely used in the development of therapeutic products against diseases caused by active oxygen. The intracellular, extracellular and mitochondrial target cerium nanoparticles : a), b) and c) are intracellular (cytoplasmic) target cerium nanoparticles, cerium mitochondrial targets, extracellular cones. The structure of the nanoparticles is represented on the Fig. As in d), cerium oxide nanoparticles have a reproducible antioxidant function that migrates between the oxidation states of Ce3 + and Ce4 + at the surface of the particles. e) is an image illustrating the selective antioxidant function as a function of the surface of the cerium oxide particles and the particle size. f), the researchers have developed a system of cerium oxide nanoparticles capable of selectively removing active oxygen present in three regions: the cytoplasm, the mitochondria and the extracellular space . [자료=기초과학연구원]

The active oxygen is essential for cell survival and is important for immunity and signal transduction.

However, excessively high levels of reactive oxygen (Oxygen) are used to attack biomolecules essential to our body, it removes electrons from molecules and oxidizes them. This oxidative stress leads to cell death and death.

Oxidative stress due to active oxygen is one of the leading causes of Parkinson's disease, a neurodegenerative disease. There is oxidative stress due to active oxygen present in the mitochondria or cytoplasmic regions of the cell.

The development of Parkinson's disease is very complex.

However, the effect of active oxygen on the location of active oxygen is unknown, The development is good, but there is no selective deoxygenation technology.

The IBS nanoparticle research group has succeeded in creating three different zones of cerium nanoparticle structure capable of distinguishing active oxygen in three zones, the mitochondria, the cytoplasm and the extracellular space, respectively.

The researchers completed three different types of nanoparticle systems by differentiating the size of ceria nanoparticles and the surface charge properties of the particles.

Small (11 nanometers, 1 nanometer is the billionth) (22 nanometers), a mitochondrial target particle that can migrate to the mitochondria by making a positive charge on the surface, is very large. (400 nanometers) is a group of nanoparticles that can not migrate into cells and eliminate extracellular reactive oxygen.

In order to examine the effect of cerium nanoparticle system on the elimination of reactive oxygen species, three types of oxide nanoparticles of cerium were injected into the brain (striatum) of a Parkinson's model mouse to observe the therapeutic effect. Cerium oxide nanoparticles have demonstrated that cytoplasmic and mitochondrial ceria nanoparticles can protect neurons that secrete dopamine by reducing brain inflammation and oxidative stress and by treating the disease. Parkinson's. Duk Taek Hwan, director of nanoparticle research, said: "This result has not only developed the first technology to selectively eliminate intracellular and extracellular active oxygen and mitochondria, but also its effect on Parkinson's disease. and the cause of the disease, Example of Application. "

The results of this research were published in the online edition of the Angewandte Chemie International Edition on June 22.

◆ Research Stories Directed by Researchers

Basic Science Research Institute (IBS)

– It was difficult to design nanoparticles to remove active oxygen from outside the cell. To exist outside the cell, the size of the nanoparticles should be 200 nanometers (nm) or more. If the size of the nanoparticles of cerium oxide is reduced, the surface is reduced and the function of Disposal of active oxygen is not recycled. After much deliberation, I thought that it would be possible to combine hundreds of thousands of 3 nm cerium oxide nanoparticles as a cluster.

– What is the result of this study and what distinguishes it from other studies . The scientific point of view, which we consider to work differently, is a great success and a differentiator. Until now, no research has been conducted in this regard. Recognized for its originality and success, it set a new approval record for publication in the top 10% within two weeks following the shortest contribution period to 'Angewandte chemie'. Celia mitochondrial nanoparticles and cerium oxide nanoparticles, developed from the nanotechnologies accumulated in this research team, are able to selectively eliminate active oxygen in intracellular and extracellular mitochondria, respectively, And that the active oxygen in the mitochondria is important.

Future Research Plan

▲ The Ceria nanoparticle system for selectively removing active oxygen should be used for cerium oxide Based on techniques to selectively allow particles to be present at specific places in the cell. The system will be used to transfer anticancer drugs and antioxidants to specific cell sites, and to study the application of antioxidant function to cells in a short period of time. This study is expected to be more effective in the development of anti-cancer drugs and dementia therapies.

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