First formation of Japan's self-defense force missiles in Hawaii "Use of anti-ship missiles"> International> News


Self Defense Force, US Army, first ground-to-air missile formation in Hawaii …

Seizure "Use for Missile Verification"

Entry 2018.07.13 (23:25) [19659004] Revision 2018.07.14 (00:24)

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The NHK and Asahi Shimbun reported that Japan had sent missile units to Hawaii to train in the United States

the missiles of the Land Force Self-Defense Force. Japan and US troops on the island of Kauai, Hawaii, conduct an exercise to detect enemy traps and launch a surface-to-surface missile.

Japan sent a maritime SDF to this formation, but this time it was the first time Japan had launched a ground-to-ground missile unit for the SDF.

In this formation, the American reconnaissance aircraft "Gray Eagle" and the P3C Maritime Self Defense Force helicopter search the ship and send the location information to the US military command post , where the missile unit of the Self Defense Force fires a missile.

This training was conducted to verify China, which is actively engaged in maritime activities, and to announce the links between the United States and Japan.

Since March of next year, we plan to deploy missile units in the main island of Okinawa around Miyako Strait and at Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Prefecture.

In March 2016, Japan set up a vessel monitoring unit in Yonagunijima, Okinawa, to inspect China. In March of last year, we established a Japanese Navy Corps in Nagasaki Prefecture.

[사진출처 : 연합뉴스]

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