Five unexpected symptoms of cardiovascular disease


  A man catches his chest

You must know the symptoms of cardiovascular disease / Chosun Ilbo DB

Cardiovascular disease such as myocardial infarction, the sooner the better the better prognosis. I've looked at five unexpected symptoms of cardiovascular disease.

1. Cough persists
Heart disease may be suspected if the cough persists without symptoms such as a high fever, sore throat, runny nose and general weakness. Heart disease, such as heart failure, accompany a dry cough and wheezing. The cough that occurs in heart failure is usually a dry cough, characterized by a sudden onset of sleep, and the change in posture can somewhat relieve coughing. Cardiac ultrasound examination and so on.

2. Dizziness
Orthostatic hypotension or arrhythmia may be suspected. A typical example of orthostatic hypotension is when you get up in bed in the morning, when you stand for a long time, or when you urinate or that the stools in the bathroom suddenly become numb or dizzy. In the case of orthostatic hypotension, lateral rest and rest will recover most symptoms. Diuretics and vasodilators that can cause hypotension should be avoided. The arrhythmia can cause dizziness when the pulse is too fast, as it runs slowly or irregularly, in which case the symptoms often reappear, so be careful.

3. Jaws and gums are painful
If you hear that your chin and gums are sick and go to the dentist and you have no abnormal results, you may suspect ischemic heart disease (angina pectoris or infarction myocardium). Chest pain, a typical symptom of ischemic heart disease, is characterized by "radiotherapy". In ischemic heart disease, radiating pain is common in the left shoulder and armpits, sometimes spreading to the chin, neck or back. It is important to find a doctor and get an accurate diagnosis, not to neglect the symptoms, even if the pain is other than the chest.
If you have edema of the lower leg or ankle, swelling of the body, or a sudden increase in body weight, you may suspect heart failure. Heart failure is a condition in which the heart can not provide as much blood as the body needs. There are many causes of heart failure. Typical causes include ischemic heart disease, hypertension, arrhythmia, valvulopathy, conbad heart disease, cardiomyopathy, viral infection and diabetes. Heart failure can be caused by sudden weight gain, fatigue, swelling of the jugular vein of the neck, difficulty in recumbent breathing and anorexia, although it is n & # 39; There are no specific symptoms.

Not only the heart and brain, but also the blood vessels of the arms, legs and neck can be blocked by atherosclerosis. Clogged blood vessels do not provide enough blood to the muscles, which causes leg pain, especially when walking or exercising. In particular, people 65 years of age or older should check to see if they have leg pain while walking or if they have sore legs.

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