For the love of silence … Good food?


  For the sake of the silent liver ...

The liver, the largest internal organ of our body, is often called the "organ of silence".

For this reason, many cases of liver disease can not be recovered to such an extent that it can not be recovered in many cases. Liver cancer is the leading cause of death in Korea. According to the National Cancer Information Center, the number of deaths from liver cancer in 2015 was 11,131, followed by lung cancer (17,399), followed by cancer deaths.

A balanced diet should be maintained.

Good foods include 10 kinds of foods such as ranunculus, turmeric, dandelion, hodgkin, cutter, mushroom, 칡, clam, garlic, red ginseng. .

In fact, the team of Dr. Mossad of the Egyptian National Institute for the Study of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (GCS) administered red ginseng extract to patients with cancer of the liver. liver for 11 weeks each day.

In addition, the research team of the KT & G Central Research Institute, Ginseng Research Institute, Dr. Yong-Bum Song, administered red ginseng extracts to induced rats by the liver and discovered that cholesterol

Red ginseng, which is a good food for the protection of the liver, has been released in various types such as red ginseng extract, the red ginseng stick, And so on.

At the present time, red ginseng is produced by the method of "water extraction" in which red ginseng is added to the water, and l 39; The whole method It is divided into two kinds of "complete meal" making. In the "water extraction" method, red ginseng is soaked in water, then red ginseng is discarded.

On the other hand, the whole formula that is made by grinding the whole red ginseng uniformly contains the water-soluble and oil-soluble nutrients of red ginseng.

In fact, Professor Kim Jae-chun of the integrated medicine school of Sun Moon University said, "If you put red ginseng on the set, you will be able to eat all the nutritional ingredients of red ginseng, "If you eat red ginseng in the water, you will eat half red ginseng." "You can eat all the nutrients without changing the whole ginseng by changing the whole ginseng."

. That's the size of the red ginseng powder immediately. The smaller the plant nutrients, the higher the rate of digestion and absorption.

The liver is a "long-lasting silence" and shows no symptoms during a serious illness. Therefore, in order to prevent liver diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer, it is necessary to remember the 10 kinds of good food and consciously try to eat it.

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