Former US ambassador to the United Nations … Cash, cars, gas, etc. required "


North Korea has asked for a lot of money and equipment in the United States whenever there is an opportunity to repatriate the US military, according to a former Confederate Confederate researcher American Missing Persons, JPAC. In a telephone interview with VOA on Monday, Dr. Paul Cole, who worked for five years at the Central Identification Office (CIL) of JPAC, forerunner of the POW and the People's Identification Agency missing persons (DPAA) from the US Department of Defense. He said. North Korea has also criticized the United States for having uncovered a number of US military remains and negotiated with the United States. Anthoung An interviewed Dr. Kohl.

Reporter) The phrase "United States-North Joint Declaration" contains the phrase "immediately repatriate the remains of American warriors in the Korean War". "src =" "/>

Dr. Paul Cole.

Dr. Cole: [La Corée du Nord] asked the United States for compensation for "US military remnants" as she did in the past. North Korea never manages this thing for free. I'm sure it would have taken at least $ 5 million in cash. The Trump government, which strictly enforces financial sanctions on North Korea, would not have been unfortunate. After all, it was too late because of the "money problem". North Korea has always asked for money for the return of US military remains. This is not different this time.

Reporter) Let me explain the past situation.

Dr. Cole) There was an acquaintance who was a member of the United States delegation and did the work with North Korea. It is something of the year 2005. We delivered $ 5.5 million to North Korea with 100 dollar bills. At that time, Pyongyang was asking Pyongyang International Airport to count the amount at stake. I will read the record of arrangement, which tells us what North Korea has asked the United States to do. United and what she really gave us. During 2005, we received not only money, but also the delivery of 83,000 kg of rice, 2,900 kg of vegetables, 39,000 liters of gasoline and 24 SUVs.

And after that?

Dr. Cole provided a similar level of money and supplies to North Korea in 2011, but the United States received nothing because the repatriation of US troops was halted . I say that because North Korea is familiar with this situation.

Dr. Koh said, "The biggest difference from the" repatriation of pests "in Vietnam and North Korea is that it is necessary to repatriate the remains of US soldiers to Vietnam. received in the United States.We will detail documents such as the exact amount of excavation work we have done and pbad it to the United States.

Do you have a precise list of what North Korea wants to do?

Dr. Koh) The Archives of the Joint ROK-US Joint Exploration (JRO) at that time I will read it .24 SUVs by truck, dozens of trucks, lorries gasoline, fresh fish and meat, and $ 5 million in cash In pbading, between 1991 and 1992, we did not ask for money immediately at the time of "K208", which unilaterally sent US troops to the United States with 208 boxes left unattended, and after four years, North Korea Required $ 2 million for a kind of "gold". You said it was the cost of digging. But their claim is false.

Journalist: Could you explain in more detail?

Dr. Cole) North Korea has already discovered many US military remains. And then we send it unilaterally back to the United States. In other words, we do not dig with American scientists or anthropologists. When I was at the Research Center & # 39; K208 Team & # 39; dedicated to the identification of American victims, I was shocked to see that North Korea opened a box that was sent to me as the remains of an American army. Once you have a male skull and five femurs. There was also a small calendar for 1952 that came into my pocket. It was produced by an insurance company in New York, and North Korea insisted that the remains of the US military were found on some battlefields with a schedule.

reporter) This was not a person's evil.

Dr. Cole) Following the test, the box had a mixture of six leftovers. This was not one or two cases. The team & # 39; K208 & # 39; found at least 450 remains in the box returned by North Korea while 208 remains. Thus, North Korea sent not only the US military but also the remains of unknown people. I do not know when North Korea started such a search. However, when I was at the Land Research Institute, I found three sites considered dangerous reservoirs with the help of the Swedish Embbady in Pyongyang. One of them was a big mine that was closing the door.

) How did the US team come into being when joint exploration work between the United States and the North was underway?

Dr. Cole: The size of the American search team was determined I remember he's an anthropologist and a scientific archaeologist, and he's severely restricted in his local work. The location of the job can not go anywhere that North Korea has established. During the excavation work, US scientists found several tips from North Korea. As I have already said, I buried the remains of someone that I had already dug up and I made them as they had just been discovered. . Archaeologists and anthropologists can see through their bones. I have therefore warned North Korea not to deceive the United States several times.

The United States-North Joint Declaration states that she will immediately repatriate the identified US military remains, but the North Korean authorities There is no confirmed identity to. I do not know who wrote the joint statement, but I do not know (the US military remains). US military remnants can only be identified by the verification of mitochondrial DNA, which can only be confirmed by the mother's system. At the time of the Korean War, the number of US soldiers missing was 8,000 and the Ministry of Defense is still trying to collect DNA samples from women related to them. It's called "Family Record Sample" and I've reached 90% so far. So you have about 7,200 DNA records.

) North Korea has long used the sensitive remains of the US military as a bargaining tool. How can we stop it?

Dr. Cole: The best way is to prevent North Korea from doing what it was. We also need to allow US work teams and identity verification teams to travel to North Korea. If they use scientific techniques to perform excavation work that is not limited by the location, the speed of identification work is also accelerated. And the second important thing is to discover to North Korea the remains that she has already uncovered and stored. North Korea has never revealed this fact. I think we need a transaction that can be completed at the same time. It is a good idea to ask the United Nations for humanitarian sanctions and to negotiate with North Korea, to bring all the remains back to the United States and to prevent North Korea from gaining money. ;money.

Dr. Cole, who worked as a researcher at CIL, pointed to several issues related to the repatriation of US troops. That's Ahn, So-young reporter.

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