Free Flu Vaccine … 6 months to 12 years


Choi Bonghyuk Flu Vaccine / Reporter [email protected]

(Seoul = Daily Focus) Choi, Bonghyuk = The weather is changing rapidly and it is said that this weekend will keep the daytime temperature at the beginning of the winter. When the daily difference is extreme, you must take good care of your hygiene when you go out and get dressed.

According to the Department of Health and Welfare, 52.6% of the 5.62 million children aged 6 months to 12 years and 76.8% of the 7.75 million aged 65 or older have been inoculated up to 24 days since the start of influenza vaccination.

The flu begins to become popular in the fall, when the diurnal difference increases and the number of patients between December and January, period during which the cold snap begins to increase intensively.

In particular, a strong cold spell is expected this year due to the effects of record heat.

The influenza vaccine is produced each year for the viral strain provided for by the World Health Organization (WHO). There are two types of virus A and one type B virus (Victorian virus), three viruses that block three viruses and one type of virus B (Yamagata system) in addition to these three viruses. There are four vaccines.

Influenza A is one of the most common types of influenza viruses in the world.

First of all, Yamagata type B virus is not included in the trivalent vaccine, so many patients are concerned about the preventive effect of this virus. Said .

Pregnant women also recommend vaccination. However, if you have an allergic reaction after a previous vaccination or if you have a serious illness, you should consult your doctor and decide if you should be vaccinated. People aged 65 and over should always inform their health care provider prior to vaccination if they have a chronic illness or are currently sick.

Precautions should be taken after vaccination. Once the day of inoculation, take enough rest so that the body is not overpopulated and pay attention to this condition for 2-3 days after inoculation. Often, after inoculation, the site may be sick, swollen and sick, and usually disappears in a day or two.

"We are considering a plan to increase the number of influenza vaccines to four, as demand for the four-dose vaccine is increasing," said a CDC official. I will do it. "

"Since the price is set consistently within the national support project, the cost of the vaccine can not be borne by the recipient," he said. "If the vaccine is designated as a state aid project," he added.

Choi Bonghyuk reporter [email protected]

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