Frequent cramps … The size and pelvic pain … Do you have a lump in the uterus? :: Kyungnam's Journal


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Medical staff at Gimhae Central Hospital treats the patient.

Uterine myoma and adenomyosis are very common diseases in women and occur in 40 to 50% of women over 35 years of age.

Recently, it has become a growing problem for women who are relatively young in their twenties and thirties. Uterine leiomyoma is a tumor derived from smooth muscle of the uterus and can be called "hump" in the uterus. Most of them are not symptomatic at first, but they grow up after they do not know it, they cause symptoms because of the location of the lump or symptoms such as the pain in the abdomen, back and pelvis.

▲ 7 out of 10 patients with uterine leiomyoma According to data from the National Health Examination and Assessment Service, the number of patients treated with uterine leiomyoma increases by 3 to 9% each year. According to age, 73% of patients treated with uterine fibroids from 2013 to 2017 are among the infamous diseases that afflict middle-aged women in their forties and fifties.

The cause of uterine leiomyoma has not yet been elucidated, but genetic factors such as the presence of limbs with uterine leiomyoma among family members, the westernized diet and the exposure of hormones females due to reduced menstrual age, environmental hormones and frequent stress. Estrogen secretion is known to be the most important factor in the secretion of the female hormone, since the size of the myoma decreases when menopause occurs.

Uterine leiomyomas can not predict where the tumor grows or grows somewhere in the uterus, and the size of uterine leiomyomas varies from that of pubic hair to that of adult hair. It is best to have a regular checkup because he does not know the precise cause of the disease and most of the first symptoms are not known.

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▲ If I get bigger … If more than 3 ㎝ is needed treatment = uterine leiomyoma is likely to develop, but fortunately, malignant tumors, the probability of developing cancer is d & About 1%. If the size is small and you have no symptoms, you do not need to be treated.

However, if the uterine lining membrane in the early stage of uterine leiomyoma or menstrual cramps may be more serious symptoms. Anemia accompanies an increase in physiology If uterine leiomyoma occurs in the muscle layer, the bladder or bowel may be compressed to cause urinary frequency or urination.

There are no particular symptoms, but the size of the uterine leiomyoma is also a problem. Since there are no early symptoms, it may not be known until the size becomes large. Due to the size of the myoma, abdominal, dorsal and pelvic pain may be accompanied by menstrual pain.

If you do not have any symptoms, do not treat it.

Treatment of uterine leiomyomas helps to eliminate myoma or necrosis of the tissue, in this case the treatment depends on the location, number, age and symptoms. Traditional surgery to cut tumor tissue can be particularly painful for women planning to become pregnant. In other words, when the uterine muscle is weak, it can have a bad influence on pregnancy and childbirth, and it can result in fever or miscarriage, on the other hand Tumor necrosis is less damaging to the uterus, but it may take months to see the effect.

▲ Surgery is short and relieves the burden of re-surgery = There are cases where traditional surgery is needed Recently, however, a treatment called HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is widely used.

This therapy is a method of heat necrosis by concentrating high intensity focused ultrasound on myoma myomas. In other words, tissue cells are vulnerable to heat. If you heat your fingers to 60-80 degrees in your fingers, your fingers become smaller.

The advantage of this procedure is that there is little damage to the uterus and the procedure time is as short as 1 to 2 hours. The therapeutic effect is better than embolization. Emphysema reduces the size of the myoma by 30% to 40% compared to 90%. The remaining tumors do not affect the human body and naturally disappear with time. Therefore, this procedure is also a procedure for women who plan to get pregnant, myomectomy, is also a procedure.

Less relief from reoperation. Multiple uterine leiomyoma has a high recurrence rate of 10-20%. Of the 10 patients treated, one or two recurred uterine myomas elsewhere. Haifu is easy to treat, even if it repeats itself because the burden of the procedure is low.

Journalist Jung-hee Lee [email protected]

Help = Park Chan-ho, Clinical Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Central Kimhae Hospital

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