G2 heg … Whether in America or China, the time of the next Korean elections


Korea and the economy depend heavily on the United States and China
Expert "Possibility of simultaneous pressure in beauty … The risk must be distributed"
Sharing the interests of India and ASEAN and countering the pressure of the great powers

From left to right: US President Donald Trump, President Moon Jae-in, Chinese President Jing Jinping ⓒ BBC, Cheong Wa Dae

The confrontation between the hegemony of the United States and China intensifies. There is interest in seeing how the situation on the Korean peninsula will change. Experts say Korea will soon be at the crossroads of crucial diplomatic choices, advising China to "diversify its risks" to reduce its dependence on the US and China and increase its autonomy. To propose new relations with the United States and to challenge the United States. The "head-to-head" initiative proposed by Chinese President Zhong Jingping not only aims for economic prosperity, but also the expansion of diplomatic and military influence as the so-called "strategy" of the 21st Century Silk Road "

. It is trying to access ASEAN (Coalition of Southeast Asian Nations) while changing the command headquarters of India and the Pacific and stimulating the idea of ​​an "India-Pacific strategy".

▲ US President Donald Trump (left) and Chinese President Shi Jinping ⓒ Daily

While diplomacy has warmed the US-Chinese hegemony, I warn you that you are likely to force your choice . In fact, Korea has suffered from the Sad deployment of the USFK and China's strong economic retaliation.

The Moon Jae-in government suggests the new South Korean policy as a solution to this dilemma.

Park Byeong-gwang, a researcher at the Korean Institute for National Security Strategy, said: "Korea's diplomatic security strategy is no longer a strategic issue for South Korea, "We can not rest in this East Asia," he said. "We need wisdom to properly use the risk diversification strategy while considering national interests as a top priority in geopolitical and geopolitical games. "

Security depends on the United States and is economically related to China's influence.

▲ President Moon Jae-in had a telephone conversation with Chinese President Jing Jinping at Cheong Wa Dae in May Ⓒ Cheong Wa Dae

However, it is premature to say that the new southern government policy will produce results as designed.

Lee Jae-hyun, senior researcher at the Asan Institute for Political Studies, said that while cooperation between the Republic of Korea and ASEAN has increased in the meantime, our foreign policy

He said: "We have taken only a temporary and piecemeal approach without a long-term vision of the direction to take to direct the development of the relationship and finally the future. to reach. "ASEAN countries, too,

Lee Jae-hyun, a researcher, said," The new NNS policy initiative is expected to make a qualitative leap through the establishment of 39, clear objectives, "he said. "The internal support for the success of the initiative" We must ask ourselves if the foundation and the intellectual foundation are well equipped,

The representative Jang Cheol-kyun, a person in charge of the diplomatic forum which explains that the diplomacy is an extension of domestic politics, said: "We should not consider ASEAN and India as cheap tourist areas."

"Japan has not been able to acquire the heart of ASEAN despite its investments over the past few decades, and China has been trying to achieve a unilateral cooperation based on the force. "It is important to try to coexist with them. "[데일리안 = 이배운 기자]

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