G20 Chief Economic Officer Urges Greater Dialogue Effort to Mitigate Trade Disputes


Draft Statement by the Minister of Finance / Governor of the Central Bank … "Conflict in the Trade Dispute"

Economic leaders in the top 20 economies have called for extensive dialogue efforts to mitigate trade conflicts.
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors draft joint statement after two-day meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Monday (Reuters)

According to the draft statement, G20 economists shared the view that the world should intensify its dialogue efforts as it risks leaving the trajectory of growth as trade and geopolitical tensions increase.

The project also warned that the global economy is growing and that the unemployment rate is at its lowest level in 10 years, warning against the trend of co-growth between major economies and the risk of an economic slowdown in the medium term. G20 economists continue to discuss the text for inclusion in the final declaration. "

EU Commissioner for the Economy Pierre Moskovich, who attended the meeting, also said that there was still a gap in trade negotiations between G20 leaders .

The Executive Committee member from Moscow said: "There is a threat that the world trade conflict is getting higher and the multilateral system is under severe pressure." "

He said," This G20 meeting was not urgent and we listened to each other. "I hope it will be the beginning of something. "

The Minister of Finance and Governor of the G20 Central Bank opened at a time when trade tensions between the United States and China were rising.

When the United States recently imposed tariffs on Chinese exports worth $ 34 billion, China also faced tariffs on US products of the same size.

US President Donald Trump also said that he was ready to impose tariffs on all Chinese goods worth $ 500 billion ($ 567.7 billion) imported from the United States. United States if necessary.

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(Mexico = Yonhap News)

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