Gachon University Gil Hospital, Second National NGS Solid Tumor Gene Test Development


<img src = "" alt = "On March 23, the Gil Medical Center of the University of Gachon announced the development of A new generation of robust cancer genetic screening panel based on Next Generation Sequence Analysis (NGS) for the Korean medical environment, the second among the national medical institutions. Is a technology that reads quickly any Human genetic information consisting of 3 billion bases Check the information on the disease gene in large quantities at one time Even the same cancers identify different genetic variations and provide appropriate therapies.

Since March last, the health insurance was applied to the inspections of the ENDs.

Last February, the Gachon University presented a request for approval of the examining institution to Center of e xamen and evaluation of health insurance. It was approved in March and began to build equipment. Based on the comparison of NGS-based cancer cancer screening tests at home and abroad, an environment for the examination of a total of 190 genes has been established. In June of this year, the company has developed its own NGS inspection service using its proprietary badysis technology.

This test badyzes several genes at a time to help find the right cancer drug for the patient.

He solves the external fiducial limit because he uses his own system. When a genetic test is administered to an external organ, only a part of the genetic information is provided.

Han Sihoon, director of the Institute for the Genome Study of Gachon, said: "On the basis of self-badyzed genetic information, we have built big data, We will clarify the correlation and plan to expand and apply clinical services to diagnosed diseases, metabolic diseases and brain diseases in the future. "

[전자신문 CIOBIZ] Jung Yong-cheol reporter medical / biotechnology [email protected]

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