Gangwon-do Min-Ilbo


Confirmation that North and South Korea are negotiating concrete details to unite the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and the Heavy Army on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the conclusion of the agreement of May 26, the Department of National Defense said: "I will promote the demilitarization of the Joint Security Zone (JSA) in Panmunjom as a pilot measure of the" zone of peace DMZ "agreed in the statement of Panmunjom. In practice, we will gradually expand the strength and equipment of the generalist in the DMZ, and progressively advance the withdrawal plan in conjunction with historical sites and ecological studies after withdrawal from the trial. "

Pan-Mun Common Security Zone, a symbol of the inter-Korean dialogue.The Department of National Defense would negotiate with North Korea on the scale, purpose and method of joint withdrawal of forces and equipment from the demilitarized zone of the North and South

If the border area is converted into a zone of peace, the province of Gangwon will become more and more a center of peace. occupied by the province is 155 miles DMZ on the Korean peninsula. (248 km) 907 km 2 of the area, occupying two-thirds of the area, and the border areas of Goseong, Yanggu, Inje, Cheorwon, Hwacheon, Si the withdrawal of GP forces from inter-Korean military authorities becomes visible, a model of peaceful reunification centered on Gangwon Province will be introduced early.

<저작권자 ⓒ 강원도민일보 ( 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

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