GC Green Cross Vaccine for the Elderly, Clinical Phase 2


[Seoul-NewSea] Journalist RyuNanYoung = GC Green Cross is a step closer to marketing the more effective influenza (flu) vaccine for the elderly.

GC Green Cross has received approval from the Food and Drug Administration of the Department of Health and Welfare for the Phase 2 Clinical Trial of the High-dose 4-Flu Vaccine "GC3114 ".

GC3114 is four times more antigenic than the general influenza 4 vaccine, so older people with low immunity are more effective in preventing influenza. The actual flu shot is at 70-90% immune response in healthy adults, but it is said that the effect is only 17-53% in people over 65 years old. For this reason, experts encourage older people to receive the flu shot.

A vaccine for the elderly only has been marketed around the world to prevent three infections with the influenza virus. In the case of the high-dose 4-influenza vaccine, GC Green Cross and the French company Sanofi are the closest to marketing the product.

The successful development of a high-dose flu vaccine will allow GC Green Cross to have a full-fledged influenza vaccine comparable to a major global vaccine manufacturer. GC Green Cross, which successfully marketed Korea's first influenza vaccine in 2009, has developed 10 types of influenza vaccines, including 3 and 4 seasonal influenza vaccines, pandemic vaccines and pandemic vaccines, J & # I opened the era. A GC Green Cross member said, "The expansion of the product line is socially significant, including the effective prevention of influenza viruses and the prevention of pandemic influenza by age group, as well as as the increase in global market share. "


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