Elderly people who have visited the ginseng store are watching ginseng. [연합뉴스]
Many people regularly eat ginseng and ginseng for health care. Ginseng has been widely used throughout Asia for about 2000 years, and its effectiveness has been confirmed, such as improving immune function and restoring fatigue. It's one of the most popular health supplements. It is also known that when ginseng is consumed by the elderly, the memory effect improves.
However, the fact that eating ginseng steadily increases the risk of dementia, and overall cognitive function is better. Kim Gi-woong, a professor of mental health medicine at the Bundang Hospital of the Seoul National University, unveiled the results of a follow-up study of 6422 people aged 60 and over between 2010 and 2016. It is the first large-scale study to badyze the relationship between ginseng intake and cognitive function, focusing on the elderly. In the meantime, clinical trials were predominantly composed of fewer and fewer participants and it was difficult to draw definitive conclusions.
Professor Kim divides the topics into three groups according to the duration of ginseng intake: "do not take," "take less than 5 years" and "take more than 5 years." As a result, the percentage of cognitive disorders such as mild cognitive impairment and dementia in the group not taking ginseng was 32.6% (28% mild cognitive impairment, 4.6% dementia). In contrast, 27.1% (mild cognitive impairment 25.3%, dementia 1.8%) were ingested for less than 5 years, 24.7% (24.2% mild cognitive impairment, 0.5% dementia) The more you eat ginseng, the more the figure will be 7.9%.
Percentage of cognitive impairment per period of ginseng intake. [자료 분당서울대병원]
It is important that older people maintain their cognitive function. A decrease in cognitive function can lead to neurological symptoms such as personality change, depression, mental illness, gait disturbance and urinary incontinence, as well as deterioration of memory. This means that the decline of cognitive function causes difficulties in everyday life.
What happens when you mark a cognitive function? The researchers measured the overall cognitive function of the elderly with CERAD and MMSE, a test that can be used to determine brain dysfunction and dementia. The CERAD score of elderly people who consumed ginseng for more than 5 years was 70.5 (final rating), which was higher than those who took less than 5 years (69.5) and those who did not. They have not consumed it. MMSE scores showed a similar trend. This is the result of controlling all variables such as age, gender, academic ability, smoking and alcohol consumption that can affect the cognitive function of the elderly.
Red ginseng products generally packaged for health care. [사진 한국인삼공사]
Professor Kim Ki-woong said, "This study shows that the general cognitive function of older people who have taken the ginseng extract for more than 5 years is better than that of the elderly who do not have the ginseng extract. I do not have one, I need it. "
Just because you eat ginseng is not a good thing to be too confident. Professor Kim said, "To manage cognitive functions, do not rely on ginseng consumption, do not smoke, do not smoke, do not sleep regularly, and do not sleep three times a week, 30 minutes or more. aerobic exercises, this is good to practice. "
This study was supported by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korean Health Industry Development Agency (KHIDI), and was conducted as the # One of the projects to defeat the disease The results of the research are published in the recent issue of "Alzheimer Research and Therapy" in international journals: B, E, V, N, T, S) Function Function , b, e,
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