Golden Time cerebral infarction missed the patient, 12 hours after piercing blood vessels


  Photograph of a patient with cerebral hemorrhage (left) and a patient with cerebral infarction (right). [사진 분당서울대병원]

Photograph of a patient with cerebral hemorrhage (left) and a patient with cerebral infarction (right). [사진 분당서울대병원]

It is important to transfer patients who suffer from cerebral infarction or cerebral cell death to the hospital. This is because the brain must be treated to reopen blocked blood vessels before it chokes. About 1 million brain cells per minute die from the moment of blockage of the blood vessels.

The "gold time" dealing with this is usually seen within six hours. Treatment of the dissolution of blood clots (blood clots) that block the blood vessels as a drug must be performed within 6 hours of reopening of the arterial blood vessel, ie 4 hours and 30 minutes after the symptom, If you go to the hospital beyond this period, it is often difficult to treat it aggressively because of its stability or effectiveness.

But even if you missed 6 hours of Golden Time, research suggests that you should consider re-piercing your blood vessels. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), such as many brain cells that are not yet dead, symptoms can be up to 12 hours after treatment is possible. Kim Bum-joon, a professor of neurology at the Seoul National University Hospital in Bundang, published an article on this issue on the 2nd. From January 2011 to September 2016, 111 patients hospitalized for a cerebral infarction in Beijing. Seoul National University Hospital in Bundang (6 to 12 hours after hospitalization) were compared.

MRIs revealed that cerebral blood flow decreased and that part of the brain function was temporarily stopped and that part of the brain cell that had already suffered cerebral infarction was dead. As a result, there were 60 patients who had more than 80% They were treated with piercing of the blood vessels and 42% of the patients had a reduction in complications.

  Assessment of daily life dependence as a function of vascular re-intervention in patients with stroke. The closer 0 is to 0, the better the condition. [자료 분당서울대병원]

Assessment of daily life dependence as a function of vascular reoperation in patients with stroke. The closer 0 is to 0, the better the condition. [자료 분당서울대병원]

Three months after the treatment of stroke patients, this has also been observed in the badessment of dependence on daily life. Depending on the degree of severity, the percentage of "zero points" without any symptom among the badessment grades that divide 0-6 points was 16.7% in patients who underwent revascularization and 2% in patients untreated. The closer to 0, the less side effects.

Professor Kim Bum-joon said: "If there are a lot of brain cells in the pre-death phase, even after the golden period, we should start vascular reopening therapy, but because of serious complications such as cerebral hemorrhage.It should be treated in an interdisciplinary hospital. "The results of the study were published in a recent issue of the Journal of Cerebrovascular Disease. B, e, v, n, t, s) {function function (f, b, e,
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