Grandfather who lost his wife, dear Lord … Beauty Fire


"Grandpa, please come quickly to me, the fire has arrived at the back door" (5-year-old great-grandson, James)
"Baby, I'm here, wait, grandfather is going." (Eddie Bledsoo, great-grandfather of the 70s)

The tragic story of residents suffering from forest fires in the Redding area of ​​northern California, United States, which killed eight people, including firefighters and residents, was introduced.

CBS Broadcasting reported on Tuesday (July 30th) that the number of forest fire victims increased to tens of thousands, while the rate of change was still 17%.

Among the dead, 70 Grandmother Melodie Bledso and two great-grandchildren James (5) and Emily (4) hurt their neighbors the most.

When a carpai attacked the city in an instant with a warm atmosphere and a gust of wind, an interview with a great-grandfather who spoke with his great-grandfather appeared in the air .

Ed Bledso, who lost his wife and two great-grandchildren to Huma, told CBS's Sacramento News that "a phone call came from a grandmother at about 15 minutes from home to go shopping. And then he said, "Grandpa, please help me," the fire said, "I came to the back door."

Bledso said, "I'll be there, I'll bite a little, but I walked on the accelerator, but the road was blocked by cars to evacuate, and the flames blocked everywhere.

Bledso said, "I should have gone home and died with my grandchildren and my wife.

Bledsoe once again cried that his wife's melody had closed his eyes with his wet blanket wrapped around his children.

He said: "Until the fire takes them, the children cover their grandmothers like children, and the grandmothers kiss their children," he said.

The family of the Bledso family is one of 850 houses burned like a carpet.

Bledso says that he did not hear the evacuation order, however. Brydson said, "Nobody told me, so I went home, and if I had been warned, I would not have left my children without leaving their children." [19659012] Redding Local Police and Fire Department Says that he issued a forced eviction to 38,000 people.

Tom Boschenko, Sheridan County Sheriff's Office Director, said, "The police walked around the homes of the victims and told them to evacuate."

Police said that they had ignored the evacuation order and that one of the residents at home had been killed.

Police also reported capturing three people a day who had been involved in a plague in a house where they were confused because of the fire scene.

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(News from Los Angeles-Yonhap)

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