Growth younger brother of hair loss, hair loss drug sales ↑


Increased sales of young hair loss hair, the drug of hair loss ↑

Looking at men in their forties, the younger generation is still a young generation, so-called Young Forty.

According to these changes, men in their forties who actively look at beauty as the treatment of hair loss and the beauty of the skin to look young are also increasing.

The most common cause of hair loss in men is hereditary deprivation of androgens, and hair loss in men. The most common cause of hair loss in men is the loss of hair. A typical treatment is to take a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor.

The previous treatment was directed around the age of 41, but about 3 years ago, on September 30, 2014, Avodart remedies for the treatment of hair loss,

In fact, there is There is a steady increase in patients with androgenetic alopecia in their forties who are trying to treat hair loss from 2014 because the age of indication increases to 50 years. According to data published by the NHIC, the proportion of 40 patients with male androgenic hair loss has steadily increased from 21.41% in 2013 to 24.19% in 2017 before the age of indications.

The number of patients in their 40s has increased by more than 10% (from 3544 in 2013 to 3916 in 2017).

The increased age of avodate indications helped treat patients with hair loss in their forties.

In multinational clinical trials, patients who took 0.5 mg of Avodart and those who took a dose of 0.5 mg of Avodart were selected for the study. An badysis of patients taking 1 milligram of pinastelid showed that the average number of hairs at 2.54 cm in diameter. The median value of patients receiving Avodat was 82.3, 61.7% more than that of patients receiving 50 mg. mg of finasteride.

Avodart showed a 58.6% increase in the number of hair, and showed a 70.5% increase in the number of hair, especially in M-shaped hair loss, which accounts for 80% of Korean male hair loss

. The enzyme 5 alpha reductase responsible for androgenic alopecia is of type I and type II. While the Pinasteride formulation only inhibits type 2, the dutasteride formulation, such as Avodat, inhibits both type 1 and type 2 and can reduce the concentration of DHT in the blood of patients. %.

There is not any. There was no clinically significant difference in drug reaction rates between patients receiving placebo, patients receiving Avodate and patients receiving 1 mg of pinastelide, 15%, 16% and 20%, respectively. There was no significant difference in the incidence of libido, incompatibility and ejaculatory disorders in patients taking pinastelide, even in the case of adverse events related to the badual function.

The market response to Avodart is positive. Among the multinational clinical trials, a male patient who underwent hair loss treatment rated his satisfaction with hair growth. According to the results, the avodate was 32% higher than the placebo and existing treatment had 14% higher satisfaction than placebo [19659003] Indeed, Avodart has experienced double-digit growth every year since its introduction in 2009, and in Japan, the country with the highest rate of sales of oral remedies, sales of Avodad in November and June,


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