Harris New US Ambassador to Korea "I hope people from both countries will be closer"


  Harry Harris, the new ambbadador to the United States, announces the arrival and departure statement on the 7th at the Incheon International Airport, on Yeongjong Island. [연합뉴스]

Harry Harris, the new ambbadador to the United States, announces his declaration of entry and arrival on the 7th at Incheon International Airport. [연합뉴스]

US Ambbadador to the Republic of Korea Harry Harris officially took office on July 7th.

Ambbadador Harris arrived at the Incheon International Airport around 6 pm and announced his appointment to the VIP room at the airport.

The US Embbady in Seoul made a live statement on the appointment of Ambbadador Harris on Facebook. Harry Harris makes a statement in his cabin at the Incheon International Airport on July 7 [주한미국대사관 페이스북 캡처] "data-src =" http://pds.joins.com//news/component/htmlphoto_mmdata/201807 /07/b9350ade-2c6f-487b-9e53-3e9ca50ef043.jpg "/>

The US Ambbadador to the Republic of Korea Harry Harris made a statement in his cabin at the International Airport of Japan. Incheon July 7. 19659006] Ambbadador Harris said in his statement, "I hope we can work to bring Korea and the United States together."

He said, "My father was a veteran of the Korean War and he was trained with the ROK military in Jinhae. "He was also commander of the Pacific Command in India until recently, adding:" Thanks to these experiences and visits, my wife and I became more familiar with Korean culture and history, and were able to confirm their pride for the d democracy and the rule of law, which are at the heart of strong bilateral relations. "

" Over the last 65 years, the ROK-US alliance has served as a pillar for peace and stability beyond India and the Pacific, and there are no better friends, partners or alliances than the United States "We want our alliance to work to bring people closer to both countries. "

Meanwhile, Ambbadador Harris was re-elected as the United States Ambbadador to Australia in February and was again appointed United States Ambbadador to the United States upon request of State Secretary Mike Pompei.

After approval of the US Senate, he was sworn in on May 29.

Born in Yokosuka, Japan in 1956, he graduated from the United States. Naval Academy of the United States and served as Commander of the Pacific Fleet and Commander of the Pacific Indian Ocean.

Born in Yokosuka, Japan in 1956 between the father of the USFK and a mother Japanese who has already attended Korea, he graduated from the US Naval Academy and Commander of the Pacific Fleet and Commander of the Indian Pacific Command.

Since then, Americans of Asian origin have become the First Navy 4th General.

Ambbadador Harris stated in a video message eo that the two countries have been together for decades and that he would do his best to maintain this relationship, claiming that he has become the closest and strongest ally friend.

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