Highlights of the press conference of Trump and Putin 8


US President Donald Trump denied Russia's involvement in the US presidential election in 2016 after meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Finland on Tuesday (June 16th).

Three days ago, the US government indicted 12 intelligence agents in Russia for taking part in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in the elections

. When asked if he believes in the unified conclusions of US intelligence agencies that Russia intervened in the US presidential election, Trump said that Putin himself called himself "


Trump stated that the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) did not follow the disappearing Democratic Party Committee server and Hillary Clinton's e-mail, saying "[푸틴] n & # 39; Is not Russia. "

" I do not know why, but I really want to see the server, "he said," I think it's a pity not to be able to get 33 000 visits from Hillary Clinton's e-mail. "


Putin wanted Trump to be president

Putin asked a journalist and acknowledged that he wanted Trump's election, and Trump spoke of the "normalization" of US-Russian relations

Trump said that he had a "clean" campaign

Trump repeated his claim that the federal election inquiry was a "disaster."

"There was no conspiracy at all."

Trump pointed out that the investigation "had a negative impact on relations between the two countries."

Trump said "Everyone knows," he added once more that he had a "clean campaign" 19659002]

Trump said that relations between the United States and Russia are improving.

Trump starts a press conference, and the conflicts between the two countries are "well known," he says. It has changed for a long time.

He also said that he chose to talk to Putin instead of silence.

Chris McGrath via Getty Images

Trump says that the relationship between the two countries is the responsibility of both the United States and Russia.

When asked if Russia's responsibility is not good, says Trump, "

" We were all stupid.

Trump disagrees with Putin on the issue of the Crimean Peninsula.

Putin defends the Russian Crimean peninsula, but he knows that the United States has blamed it.

Putin said: "The [트럼프] adhered to the position that it was illegal." "Our point of view is different."

Mikhail Svetlov via Getty Images















[19659000] Putin also mentioned rumors that there is a "burning document".

When asked if he had a "burning document" on Trump, Putin said that it would not be possible

Putin said that he did not even know that Trump was traveling in the past and said that he could not watch the movement of everyone coming to Russia.

Trump said, "If they had something like that, they would have been released soon."

Trump broke the recent testimony of former FBI agents.

At the end of the press conference, Trump broke the testimony of a recent hearing by former FBI inter-agency chief of activity, Peter Strzkok.

Trump said the testimony was "a shame for the FBI, and all this is a witch hunt," Strachov said. I was blind.











* This is a translation of the US Huff Post 8 things you need to know about the Trump-Putin bail

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