Hit the alliance and look at the enemy …? A week of international order Suysin Trump


Starting with NATO critics, Putin's coup d 'etat

"The EU is hostile, Germany is captive" … Controversial controversy of British Prime Minister Meiji Yomi

US President Roh Moo-hyun and his US counterpart, Donald Trump, held a summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland on Tuesday (August 16th).

President Trump was at the center of the controversy during his round trip, with the seemingly absurd manifestation of enemies and alliances. In particular, he wiped out the post-war international order by hitting NATO ally and bringing to Russia's potential enemy a controversy of "quiet diplomacy" ".

While President Trump often traveled to Belgium, Britain and Finland on the 16th (Reuters), he was often seen as threatening or threatening the traditional alliance (NATO, NATO).

Telecommunication, in particular, pointed out that this trip was the most criticized foreign visit during his 18 months in power.

At a NATO summit in Brussels on November 11 and 12, President Trump warned that the allies did not share enough money, but then turned to the Alliance efforts to increase defense spending. .

To Chancellor Angela Merkel Commenting on the pipeline project that Germany is promoting for the introduction of Russian gas, Germany has become "the captive" of Russia, and "insulting" A thrown a ripple.

In Britain, which was the next destination, there was prominent behavior close to diplomatic rituals. In an interview with a local newspaper, he rejected former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra as the prime minister's political opponent and recently resigned from former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson as Prime Minister.

In particular, President Trump blamed Mr. Mee's negotiations on the continuation of Brecks' "Soft Brexit" strategy, which is closely linked to the European Union. As the rumor grows, President Trump has made a comeback, including setting up Mei as a great leader.

Leslie Vinzmuri of the British think tank Chatham House first stressed that the "Trump" type intent statement to use the tweeter to criticize his allies and declare that he has been solved in the public domain is intentional.

Able to prevent Queen Elizabeth II, she walked in front of the Queen, stood in front of her and went to Cubism where she acted contrary to the Royal Law.

The protest continued on the eve of the summit with President Putin.

In an interview with CBS, Trump called the European Union "enemy" in trade policy. This contrasts with what Putin has called "a good competitor", who has been in a state of dissatisfaction with the West.

The highlights were the controversy over the "low-profile humiliation diplomacy" that arose at the top with Putin. Trump, unlike the "stupid" act of pushing the alliance, not only did not show confidence in the meeting with President Putin, but did not openly questioned Putin's allegations about Russia's intervention in the US presidential elections of 2016.

It is estimated that Putin gave his credentials to President Putin instead of the US intelligence agency that criticized Russia's participation in the presidential election.

Following his meeting with Putin, Mr. Trump is now in the midst of a mbadive wave of votes by legislators of the ruling Democratic Party, the Republican Party and the media.

Reuters reported that President Trump held a summit with Putin, a long-time favorite, but said that he had no concrete results. But Trump said that he had a "gift with reality" at the end of the tour event, and he immediately pinned it like a football with a World Cup mark Russian,

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